And So the Force Shook (prologue)

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Narra-Lynn's P.O.V.

I felt the force move on that morning, in a way I couldn't understand. It was small, but I felt it. I pushed myself up from my cot in shock, sheets and clothes sticking to the sweat on my body. I knew from that small change in the force, that it would start the the change of my life.

And yet, that morning ended up like every other; wake up, get ready in my Jedi robes, boot up my BB6 unit, head to the mess hall and eat a little, and go find General Organa. And that's where I walked into the scene happening in the command room. Accomplished pilot, Poe Dameron, was in a yelling match with the General. And the General was winning.

My BB-6 unit whirred and beeped frantically, letting the entire board of leaders know I had entered. The room quieted, and I locked eyes with Dameron. He wasn't usually allowed in board meetings, and they never held one without my presence.

"Dameron, collect yourself." I warned, "what have you found."

"The General says an old man has come forward saying he has the map to Skywalker," Poe calmed down and took a shaky breath, "I think it's a trap."

"What planet?" I inquired, heart racing as I looked into the eyes of the General. Leia's eyes always seemed so sad when they looked at me, and I always felt guilty for reminding her of Ben.

"Jakku." Leia said, "I'm sending you and Dameron together to retrieve the map."

"We need an army!" Poe argued back, his hands slamming on the table. Everyone jumped at the outburst, including me. It took a lot to make the carefree pilot lose his temper.

I used the force to move his chair in and sit him down, and swiftly walked to the head of the table.. I had to think this through, and him scaring everyone wasn't helping. Leia stood up and took my shoulders.

"You can feel I'm right," I nodded, "then get there before the first order. I can't put together an army in that time."

I knew she was right. And so I took her hands off my shoulders and announced to the council, "Dameron and I leave in 30 minutes. Get the radio working."

Poe gave me a dirty look and stormed out of the room, BB8 on his heals. I followed calmly with my BB6 unit in my wake. Once we were out of earshot, Poe exploded.

"WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!? We need an army!"

"I was thinking we need stealth. We can't fight the first order with the numbers we have now. If you and I run in and out, we have the best advantage of getting out alive." I pushed my way to my room and changed out of the recognizable robes. I put on whatever was found in the closet, Leather pants, black crop top, and some red boots. Leia must have set them there.

I slipped on my aviation jacket and goggles, grabbed my bag and headed to the docking bay. BB6 and BB8 chirped at each other, and ran around in a whirlwind of orange and purple. I giggled, then straightened my face. I had tried to listen to the old rules of the Jedi Order

There is no emotion, there is more peace.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

There is no passion, there is serenity.

There is no chaos, there is harmony.

There is no death, there is the force.

The no emotion part is to protect ourselves, for if we made personal relationships, we would feel hurt when friends or romantic relations left us and act upon that emotion. And with the First Order picking up all force sensitive people who attribute to their emotions and give into the Dark-Side, I didn't risk it.

Just like Ben... I thought. I cleared my head of the thought to clear all emotion from my brain and went to my X-wing. It wasn't really quite mine, but borrowed from the resistance. I didn't need my own, but I loved flying. If I wasn't force sensitive, I would have been an X-wing pilot like Poe.

"Dameron, you ready?!" I called over to him, as he jogged to his own X-wing.

"Ready as I'll ever be, Kenobi." he cracked a smile, "don't forget your call signal again."

"Sure thing, Black-one." I punched his arm lightly.

"Good, November Kilo." He patted my back and got BB8 situated in the X-wing. I situated BB6 and climbed in, turning on the radio.

"General Organa, We are a go for Jakku."


I hoped this gave more in site, before the next chapter, on the character. I'll leave her physical profile here rather than described get blandly in the story.

Name: Narra-Lynn Kenobi
Age: 25-26 but looks a few years younger at around 18 or 19.
Hair: tawny brown Like her grandfather Obi-Wan Kenobi. Short with waves and texture, usually braided up and back in a small ponytail
Skin: super light with freckles all over
Eyes: brown on the rims and green on the rest with gold flecks.
She wears minimal makeup and has lots of burn scars from combat.

If you have any ideas for fluff chapters, leave them in the comments. I'm usually very story based but I do want to add some fluff.

Thanks! Vote and comment just to let me know you liked it!

~Emilia Kershaw)

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