Chapter 13

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Narra-Lynn P.O.V.

Kylo had sat me outside, he was talking to the supreme leader. I was too scared and shaken up to care he didn't want me in there. I would have most likely fought him about it till he let me but I didn't find it in me. She was right, I was still upset and scared. He tried to fix it as much as he could but it still made me worried.

Hux walked at a hurried speed, "Is Master Ren in there?"

"Yeah... what's wrong?"

"He's not doing his job!" Hux snarled before barging in. I, stupidly mind you, followed at a slower place.

"This scavenger, resisted you?" The figure of Snoke was large, too large to be real inside the base. But if he wasn't really here, was he compensating for something?

Kylo stood before him, mask off and at his feet, "She's strong with the Force, untrained but, stronger than she knows." and all the while, both of our minds no doubt goes to Luke.

"And the droid?" Snoke boomed. Kylo Ren hesitated, but Hux jumped in, cold voice showing nothing of the friend I though I had.

"Ren believed it was no longer valuable to us." The sneer was evident in his voice, "He's been far too distracted."

Ren turned back, eyes watching Hux with an almost pouty look. I stopped hoping to head back before he noticed, but of course he did. How could he now nowadays? Hux entered the large space briskly and moved to the platform beside Kylo Ren.

"Narra..." Kylo turned to Snoke before turning back to me and waving me over to him. I nodded and followed Hux's steps to stand between them before Snoke. I had only seen this creature in my nightmares, and he looked nothing like this.

"That the girl was all we needed. As a result, the droid has most likely been returned to the hands of the enemy. They may have the map already."

Snoke shook with anger, furious with Kylo, "Then the Resistance must be destroyed before they get to Skywalker."

"We do not have their location-"

"The Ileenium system." I blurted and almost hoped I hadn't but I continued, feeling 3 pairs of eyes shift to me in the silence, "D'Qar, to be exact. I lived there, and the two previous bases before it. They wouldn't think to move it because according to them I'm dead. Narra, by the way, Hi. Besides, if they had, they have too many people and droids to move, let alone the technology. I bet you Leia is running around like a headless chicken right this moment."

"Good." Snoke smiled down at me in his own way, "Then we will crush them once and for all. Prepare the weapon."

Kylo was stunned by the moment, that isn't what he meant at all. Shit, sorry babe...

"Supreme Leader. I can get the map from the girl. I just need your guidance." He nearly stuttered.

"If what you say about this girl is true, bring her to me. You should have done the same with this smart one. You were right about that one." Snoke looked up and the vision was gone.

"What did you think you were doing?!" Kylo burst. Hux jumped and pulled me down from the platform with him.

"There's the temper..." I muttered to myself. Great... "Master, I came in in curiosity."

"What was there to be curious about?! It's Snoke! I didn't want him to see you like this!"

"I've never seen him! And that's not a good reason. How else would he see me?! I'm me no matter how he see's me!" I yelled back. Hux looked terrified, but unwilling to leave. He might have to take care of one less royal if he did. Kylo walked down till his face was only inches from mine. I kept my stone face, heart racing out of trepidation.

"I wanted him to see you as a duchess, as a lady of stature. Not like this! You look like just another knight!"

"Isn't that what you want me to be?!"

"You're so much more, Narra-lynn!" Our eyes were so close, our foreheads touching.

"So are you! And you let him treat you like a rag doll!" His hands held my shoulders in place. They tightened around them, then relaxed. His expression changed, softer. Almost sad.

"If only I couldn't..." He then looked up at Hux and waved him off, "You heard her. D'Qar."

"You sure?" I calmed down, my heart still pounding in my chest.

"I can't deny Snoke anyways... I need to train you more, and I'm sorry, but I'm hardly a good enough leader to do so." Hux's footsteps echoed away and I knew it was safe.

"You're better than Luke..." I wrapped my arms around his neck, "And I love you. I don't care about being taught any more. I care about being right here, by your side. Just let me do that."

"I'm not going to let you leave my side... Metaphorically. There are times I need you safe... Like right now. Please go back to our room. I need to know you're not going to get injured in any of this."

"I could tell you I wouldn't, but you wouldn't believe me. I will if you promise me something." I sighed, as our foreheads connected again. Quite the loving gesture from him.

"Anything, just name it."

"We get to actually be together this time. Not tip toeing around anyone this time. No- no sneaking in windows or our to another place just to be alone. An actual relationship this time." His eyes showed many, many emotions before he nodded.

"Promise. No lying." He let a smile play his lips before they pressed quickly to mine. I kissed back, savoring the moment. We broke apart too soon and he let go. I nodded with a smile and left calmly to the hallways

No lies. Starting now... I thought 

Now I just need to get Rey out.  

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 02, 2016 ⏰

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