Before the show

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Phil's POV

There were only 10 minutes left. Only 10 until the show. Our first show in the UK was happening and we'd been preparing for this for months now.

My heart is pounding and I just can't breathe. Everything around me is a blur and I can hear the crowd cheering for us while the final songs in the playlist are coming to their ends.

What if I forget some of the script or embarrass myself on stage? Hundreds of people have come for TATINOF and I can't embarrass myself.

Where is Dan? I check frantically but I can't see him. There is only the lighting crew but I can't see him. Dan?

"Excuse me, have you seen Dan?" I ask one of the crew, but they're occupied and walk away.

There. I see him in the corner talking to Louise. He's there. I quickly rush over to him and just embrace him, my head fitting perfectly into the crook of his neck.

"Phil, what's wrong?" Dan says, as he wraps his arms around me, returning the embrace, comforting me.

"I just.... I...." I can't even finish my sentence. Everything is just so overwhelming.

My eyes start to water, tears start to fall. Soon, they're streaming down my face, a sudden torrent of sadness rushing from my eyes.

"Ssshhhh, shhhh..." Dan gently whispers into my ear, continuing the hug.

Gently, he releases his grip and faces me. He uses his thumb and forefinger to wipe my tears away then cups my face in his hands.

"Don't worry, Phil, everything will be fine...." Dan continues to reassure me.

I hear the last song play. It was High School Musical. That had been Dan's choice, of course.

Dan says goodbye to Louise who has just been awkwardly standing there and he grabs my hand, leading me towards the stage. We grab our microphones and we walk right until we're almost on stage.

Just before we walk on, Dan squeezes my hand one last time, kisses me on the cheek then he walks on first. The crowd goes wild and so I walk on...

I guess everything will be okay...

Okay. So my inspiration for this one was when I was thinking about the TATINOF show that I had been lucky enough to go to. Then I just thought about how many people there were and how that could have affected them.

Does that make sense?

Okay later.

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