
11 1 2

Yep I was tagged...
2.i don't know
3. Stephen (pronounced Steven)
4. Single? In many ships though
5. Umm my brother?
6. Smells like teen spirit by nirvana (or something)
7. 7% (how ironic)
8. Yeah, I have a girl best friend Meg(ashwing)
9. Yes my best best friend is Parker (absol/ rogueofspace28)
10. Eren and mikasa, I guess...
11. A friend on kik mentioned it and I decided to make an account...
12. Same as my home screen, spring trap holding the marionette by its strings in one hand, holding Freddy's head (or Bonnie's head) in the other hand, and standing on balloon boys head with one foot.
13. January 15, 2003

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