first day of school

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It is monday morning and Kenneth hit me with a pillow.

Me: owww what was that for
Kenneth: its time for school dum dum
Me: im up let me get changed
Kenneth: okay

So i got changed and went downstairs to the kitchen with Kenneth.

Kenneth: you're not hungry
Me: no
Kenneth: okay well lets start walking to school
Me: okay let me grab my stuff

I grabbed my stuff and we left out the door. While we was walking. Kenneth was wiping my butt like there was something on it.

Me: Kenneth what was that for
Kenneth: you had something on your butt
Me: no i didnt
Kenneth: i know

I punched in the arm really hard.

Kenneth: owww what was that for
Me: for touching my butt
Kenneth: sorry its not my fault its all out there
Me: so
Kenneth: so its not my fault
Me: ughh you make me mad
Kenneth: i know oh and we are here
Me: its huge
Kenneth: lets get our sceduals.
Me: okay

We got our sceduals and me and sean got the same classes. So i went to class i sat with sean kaycee and gabe.

Sean: hey amena after school lets go to my house
Me: yeah sure
Sean: thank you
Me: you're welcome

Skip whole school day

~Texting Kenneth~
Me: hey ken im going to seans today so we can study.
Kenneth: okay and me and my dad will pick you up
Me: okay bye
Kenneth: bye

So me and sean walked to his house. We walked in and sat on the couch. We did our h/w and went upstairs in his room. We sat on the bed.

Sean: how do you like it out so far
Me: its good actually
Sean: oh okay
Me: sean are you okay because you are staring at me for a long time
Sean: yeah its just you are so beautiful
Me: thanks i get that a lot

I took my phone out and took a picture of him then he grabbed my phone.

Me: sean give it
Sean: you have to catch me
Me: fine

I chased him and got on top of him.

Me: can i have my phone now
Sean: nope

Then sean rolled on top of me and held me down. Then he kissed me then pulled away.

Me: well i have to go home now nice studying with you
Sean: yeah see you tomorrow
Me: yeah bye

In my mind:
I cant believe he kissed me he is a good kisser tho but i like Kenneth and sean.

Kenneth picked me up from his house.

Kenneth: you look cold here is my jacket.
Me: im okay
Kenneth: which one hug or jacket.
Me: jacket
Kenneth: here you go
Me: thanks even i dont even need it
Kenneth: oh well

We arrived at the house and i fell to the ground.

Kenneth: you okay
Me: yeah just tired
Kenneth: oh okay you wanna lay in my room
Me: i have a room
Kenneth: i know
Me: what about our parents
Kenneth: its not like we are doing anything nasty
Me: i know that but its weird.
Kenneth: please
Me: ughh fine only once
Kenneth: yes

So i went in his bed and went to sleep.

Should I Choose Kenneth Or Sean(kenneth And Sean Fan Fiction Story)Where stories live. Discover now