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Canada's p.o.v

It's been a week since I've been kidnapped, and nobody came for me. I guess I was wrong about me having friends. I bet they're all having a great time. Not even noticing that I'm gone. I bet no one even bothered to look for me.


Well that's not new. I guess I knew from the beginning that no one would come for me. ~yawn~ man I'm tired. I guess I'll get some rest.

(In dream)

"Um h-hello?"

I started walking around but I was surrounded by darkness.

"Kesesese~" That laugh.. It echoed loudly. Clear enough for me to hear..

"P-Prussia?! "

"Kesesese~ Well well well. You finally figured it out. Ugh finally I get to stop using my fake voice." He used a fake voice?! Just to stop me from figuring out that it was him?!

"B-but why? I thought we were friends! Why did you do this? "

"Really Canada? You haven't noticed!? I Like You!!! I always have! Since the very beginning! But your always looking at America or Russia! I can tell you like them! But you never look at me! Not in that way! Your always looking at me in a friendly way. Never in a the way you look at them.... Why? Why am I not good enough? I'm awesome for Pete's sake!" I hear small drops of water. Telling me that he is crying.

"I-I Um.....! " He hugged me roughly

"Please Canada! Please just Love me! I need love in my life! Your the only one I truly Love! Please Canada! Please.... "

(End of Dream.)

I jolted awake. Breathing heavily.

"W-what was that? " does Prussia really like me? Or was that just another crazy dream? If it was a dream.. Why Did I dream of it?

Why is my life like this?

America's p.o.v

Damn it! I Can't freaking find him! It's been a freaking week! And we still can't find him! My precious Canada... I hope your Ok..

"We'll look for him at Prussia's house da? " Russia's said.

"Dude.. Why? "

"Well you've seen how he looks at him da? I've seen him look at him constantly."

" I've never seen him look at him.. Well if what your saying is true then we should go check, but it's going to take a while for us to get there."

~Time skip~

"Ok dude we're in Germany's house. There's a good chance Prussia is here but if he's not then Germany can take us to him."

*Knock Knock*

Germany opens the door. Sees us. Then slams the door shut.

"Oh come on dude! We have a problem here! We need you for something! Please!"

He opens the door irritated. He leads us inside. Prussia is not there.

We sit down.

"Well vhat do you need me for? " Germany asks. Still irritated.

"Canada go kidnapped! We think might be Prussia so we need you to get him for us so we can talk to him. "

Germany looks surprised

"No vonder he's been acting veired. Everytime I say Canada's name he starts acting veird."

"Then will you help us dude? "

"Ok but in exchange you vill not lay a hand on Italy ever again."

"Ok dude. Let's get going! "

Hey guys! So most of you wanted me to continue this story. So here's the next chapter! I hope you like it and thanks for your support! I'll try to update frequently for you guys! Well I Luv you guys. Byeee ❤

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