Lord Winter

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The winter solstice brought an early darkness across the land. The white blanket of fresh snow covering the ground disguised the small shrubs and trees as mounds of white. Silence filled the still air. Only the occasional owl could be heard as the light faded completely from the sky. The moon was new, and the stars began to appear in the sky, accompanied by the colored ribbons of the Aurora Borealis.

It was in this silence that a young man named Matthew Williams walked, a lantern lifted up above his head. He was of an average height, with blond curls and dark blue eyes. His eyes were outlined by a pair of wire framed glasses, accentuatating his strange beauty.

He had lived alone in these northern lands for the past five years. Few people came to see him, so remote was his location. As he scanned the landscape, he seemed to be looking for something or someone.

He gazed at the lantern, which had lit its self an hour ago, as the sun set. He couldn't explain the strange magic that allowed the flame to appear in his lantern on its own, but he knew what it meant.

Lord Winter was coming.

Each season had a spirit which oversaw it. Each spirit had a Guardian, who kept the flame.

Matthew was the Guardian which greeted Lord Winter.

He suddenly stopped moving, hearing something in the distance. Faint whispers of ancient magic were calling him. He walked towards it, eyes kept open to watch.

A faint blue glow began to appear as he approached, and he stopped. The lantern was lowered, and Matthew watched as he always did, waiting for the appearance of the spirit of Winter.

The light rose from the ground, and formed shapes. A dormant tree appeared, and then the tendrils of light which formed it suddenly began to reach out, as though growing. Matthew sighed in relief and joy.

The lights grew stronger and soon the tendrils had wrapped themselves around the nearby trees, as though to pull something from the ground. The center of the lights grew brighter and bigger. Matthew closed his eyes right before it grew so bright it would blind him.

There was a sound like the howling of wolves, a sudden blast of cold, and snow flew up from the ground, landing on Matthew's face.

Then the light faded, and Matthew opened his eyes.

A young man stood where the light had been. He was taller than Matthew, with silver hair and lavender eyes. He wore a pale scarf around his neck, and a long tan coat. In his hands, he held a wooden staff.

Matthew bowed. "Lord Winter."

The spirit nodded in acknowledgment. Matthew began to approach, and then the spirit swept him up into his arms, kissing his Guardian over his entire face.

Matthew had to laugh as the kisses covered his face like tiny snowflakes. Winter looked at him with a smile.

"I've missed you too, mon amour." Matthew said, pressing his face into Lord Winter's neck.


Matthew had been told by his predecessor that the spirit of Winter was not an easy companion.

"You will experience some of the harshest conditions out of any of the Guardians. And he has little care for what happens to you. He may even try to kill you."

Matthew had stared at the man. He had only been fourteen at the time, and wondered what his sight had lead him too.

He watched the way the previous Guardian treated the spirit, and grew upset. But when that Guardian of Winter finally passed, he knew he could change it.

Lord WinterWhere stories live. Discover now