chapter 3

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I went up to the water starter, Squirtle, and picked him up. "I want to choose this one" I announced as the charmander and bulbasour looked at each other. "That's a interesting choice. But tell me, where are you going to start youre first journey?" Professor Oak asked me as I pretend to think about it. "I want to start at the orange islands and go on from there. Thats because I dont actually want to start right away at the exact beginning. My mother seemingly toldd me everything I need to know and so on, so I want to try my luck succeeding without starting at the wary start" I explain as professor Oak nodded his head. "Very well then. Here are some pokeballs and your special device I just updated" pro.Oak says as he gives me Dexter back, i wonder were it had disappeared to, and five red and white pokeballs. "Good luck on your journey then" professor Oak says before Mew, Lucario, Night, Beam and I leave the lab. We enter the forest, as Mewtwo comes down from the high place and gives me a ferry ticket. He also gives me a key stone along with an mega evolution stone for  Lucario, aka Riolu in the future. I also get this cool looking watch to keep the key stone in and a communication necklace. The communication necklace is a necklace that allows you to communicate with the Legendary pokemons no matter where they are and understand their feelings.

I let Riolu out as Mew gives me a egg with black on the upper half and blue on the lower part and these reddish pink dotts undeneath. "I want to give you this egg as well" she announced. I look up at Mewtwo one last time before turning around to leave. He was looking away. As I am walking away, I suddenly stop dead in my tracks as someone hug me with something wet hitting my sensetive skin. I turn around to see Mewtwo hugging me while crying. I hug him back crying twice as hard. I hate saying good bye to everyone. Especially Mewtwo. I mean, yes I am sometimes sensitiv, or meybe always, but I dont want to say good bye to Mewtwo. Anyone but him! When he let go, he flyes away to avoid turning around, and not to let me see his tears. I miss him allready. I watch as night, Beam Lucario and Mew look at each others before leaving as well. But not before giving me a hug each. As they leave, I turn around and start walking silently as I start missing Mewtwo. Why dose he have to leave me behind?  Did he run away so he cant stop me from stopping him.

"You miss him allready, dont you?" I hear from beside me as a comforting hand places itself on my arm. It was Riolu. I nod my head as I wipe away my tears and we head toward the boat that will take us away to the orange islands.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2016 ⏰

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