Make The Sadness Go Away

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I walked down the hallway to my bedroom. The door creaked open slightly as I entered. Tip toeing across the hard wood floors and over to my bed. My gaze rested on my sweet Feliciano, sleeping peacefully. I would need to wake him up for breakfast, otherwise he would sleep for the entire day. I softly placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Feli, it's time to get up," I whispered. He remained asleep. Raising my voice I tried again. "Feliciano, get up now." He didn't budge. Perhaps he has a fever. I placed my hand on his forehead. Cold. Why was he so cold? My heart beat quickly. No... he couldn't be. I frantically grabbed his wrist to check for a pulse. Nothing. No! No! "Italy! Wake up! Please!" His eyes stayed closed.

"Germany!" a voice called. I felt dainty hands shaking me awake. As I parted my eyes I sat upright in bed, breathing heavily. Sweat had gathered on my forehead over night and... was that a tear running down my cheek? I looked over to see Feliciano alive and healthy. A worried expression crossed his face.

"Oh thank god," I muttered.

"What happened? Did you have a bad dream?" Feli asked.

"It was nothing. Don't worry about it." I hated lying to him, but I couldn't bear the thought of telling him. That dream was my worst fear.  It was something I never wanted to think about again.

"It's alright. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," he said cheerily. "I'll make us some pasta to cheer you up!" With that he dashed out of bed and ran to the kitchen. I sat up and tried to shake myself out of the terror that dream had inflicted upon me. It had felt so real.

**Author's Note** Thank you so much for all of your support and comments! I can't tell you how much it means to know that people actually read my stories! I've had quite a bit of work to do, but I'm back to write more!

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2016 ⏰

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