Chapter 1

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This is a very old story I wrote for BlackReaper!Kaneki but never published it because I never finished the ending lol. This book has only 3 chapters so far and I don't know when i continue it or if I want to, but enjoy!

9 & 10 years old~

"Kaneki, I'm here!" You took your small sandles off and placed them neatly on the floor before walking up the small platform. You walked over to where Kaneki and his mother were. As you stood by the door you saw Kaneki crying and your eyes widened. You were to shocked to say a word.

Kaneki's mom turned around and saw you by the door way, she smiled at you. She softly nudged Kaneki to go over to where you were and Kaneki ran over to you, hugging you.

"What a cute dress you have on (F/N)-chan, did your mom buy it for you?" You looked up at his mother and nodded your head. She smiled and walked over to a closet and pulled out a small sun hat. "Here's a hat to protect your cute face from the sun."

"Thank you Kaneki-san!" You smiled and placed the hat on your head, taking a hold of Kaneki's small hand, you heard his small sniffles next to you.

"Take care of Ken for me (F/N)-chan~" Kaneki's mom waved the two of you off as you smiled and walked to the park across the street. She was glad to have you around to entertain Kaneki while she worked.

Holding your best friends hand while you walked to the park, you looked at your black haired friend's current state. You observed his body and noticed a small purple mark on his leg.

"Kaneki? A bruise?" You stopped walking and crouched down to Kaneki's leg. You pushed his shorts up and saw a small bruise forming on his leg. "Did your mom do this?"

Kaneki started wailing when you noticed his bruise. You stood up and gave his back a pat, watching him cry.

"D-don't tell my m-mom! She's going to H-hit me if you k-know!"

"I won't tell your mom," You replied, reassuring him and crouched back down. "Does it hurt?" He cringed when you poked it and nodded. "Here, since my mom is a doctor I have a little first-aid kit."

You started to apply some medicine to his bruise and covered it with a bandaid. Giving the bandaid a pat, you stood up and gave Kaneki a lollipop from your pocket.

"Thanks (F/N)-chan."

"You're welcome~"


"(F/N)-chan, I think my mom is sick." Kaneki said as he sat in the swing next to you. You looked up at Kaneki and saw that his head was hung low.

When the sun started to set, you walked Kaneki back to his house and ran back to your own home, trying to find your mother. You entered your house and started to call for your mom, "Mom? Are you home yet?"

"I'm in the kitchen dear!"

Making your way over to your mom, you stood next to her and looked at her cooking, not saying a word. Your mom smiled and bent down to kiss the top of your head, "Can I help you sweetie?"

"Kaneki said his mom is sick. We should go check on her tomorrow, he's really sad right now." Nodding her head, your mom turned off the stove and looked at you, "Alright, let's go check on his mom tomorrow. Now go have a seat, dinner is ready."


Hearing a knock on the door of his house, Kaneki walked over and opened the door, revealing you and your mother. "(F/N)-chan?"

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