Just Me

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This is my fav song right now!!!!

I luv seafood.

I have a story to tell......

Ok so this one time I was at PurpleToast101's house. Us and our siblings went on a gator ride (Go Cart), me and Toast hopped off to play a game. Our siblings drove off, so Toast thought it would be a great idea to hid in the corn field. So we did, our siblings came back and started yelling for us. Then we heard them start to drive off, we started screaming.

"Did they seriously just leave?" I asked "I think so." Toast answered.

It was getting dark out, Toast's property is haunted, there is a big white creepy thing near by and Toast's house was far away.

We started walking. I started to climb the fence.

"No lets go the long way." Toast said

"But jumping the fences is the quicker way." I said

"But what if they come back?" He exclaimed

"Fine, but if we get abducted I'm blaming you." I said hopping off the fence. We started walking, we heard a huge gush of wind coming from a patch of birch trees. The wind only came from that one area.

"WTF??!!" Toast shouted.
"Ignore the creepiness." I sighed

We walked down the path into the patch of thorny bushes that we had to pass through.

We kept walking by this time it was getting really dark. We saw something black swoosh past us.

"Can we run now?" Toast asked frightened

I nodded, we took of screaming an running towards the house.

We ran into the house. We started yelling at our siblings.

"What were you thinking!"
"You idiots!"
"I can't believe you left us out there!"
"Why didn't you keep looking for us?"
"What if we were abducted?"

Our parents were laughing at us.

"Would you be laughing if we were dead?" I asked

They stopped.

That was one experience I will never forget.

End of story

True chiz man!

Hope ya liked it



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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