You Don't Know

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Baby, you don't know, you don't know, You just don't know.... - Tank

Lela's POV

So I'm supposed to be going on a double date with Mi Mi and Khayman. She wouldn't tell me who the lucky guy is so hopefully I'm not disappointed. She makes me so anxious sometimes. Mikayla still won't tell me his name and I'm so nervous. We're going to the fair and Mi Mi wants it to be perfect. I put my hair up in a messy bun cause I know its going to be hot as hell. Plus I don't want my hair blowing everywhere on the rides.

"Will you please tell me his name Mi Mi." I ask.

"No. You'll see him when we get to the fair." She said.

I shouldn't never had asked her to hook me up with one of Khayman's friends, but at least I won't be single. I have to see where things go with this guy.

"Hey, earth to Le Le, Khay is here." Mikayla said.

"Ok, let's go." I smiled nervously.

Oh I hope this don't blow out of proportion. I went downstairs to be greeted by Khayman and his friend. Which I am not disappointed at all. Khay's friend was very attractive and I kind of want to rip his black v-neck off.

I pulled Mi Mi to the side, "Uh, that's Khay's friend?" I whispered.

"Yes," she smiled. "He's cute ain't he?"

"Uh hell yeah." I almost screamed, but I still kept my voice down.

I looked at him and bit my lip. SHIT! He saw me. Damn it and now he's smiling. Ok get it together Le Le it's just a date. Nothing is going to happen afterwards.

"See, told you mama got you." Mi Mi said with a smile that almost looked like a smirk.

"Let's just go already." I complained.

"Ok, lets go." she said.

I followed her to the door. she greeted Khay with a kiss and I stood staring at the guy I'm supposed to be with on this little shenanigan.

"Hey, I'm Melvin." He said with a smile and he held his hand out for me to shake.

"Lela." I said blushing. DAMN he smelled good. Tonight is going to be perfect.

We walked out onto the porch and I locked the door behind us. Melvin and I approached Khay"s car and I was about to open the door till I was stopped.

"No, let me." Melvin said opening the door for me. God he is such a gentleman. I'm liking him already.

Mi Mi and Khay looked so amazing together. I think tonight is the night he's going to ask her to be his girlfriend. Mi Mi doesn't believe it, but I told her it might happen, which I hope it does cause they would look incredibly cute together. Plus I don't want her talking to that nigga Chris. Melvin and I got to know each other a little bit the whole ride to the fair. He seems like a great guy and I can see myself with him. We made it to the fair and I was so happy. It felt like we were in that car for years. My legs started to cramp up. Mi Mi told me that one of her friends she made at school name Maiya was meeting us here with her dude Anthony. Tonight is going to be fun. We all decided to get on the Ferris Wheel. Mi Mi used to get an upset stomach on that thing when we were younger, but now the ride grew on her.

"So, are you looking to date anyone soon?" I asked Mel and yes I gave him a nickname already.

"Uh, hopefully." He said looking at me with a serious expression that made him look sexy as fuck.

I smiled. "Me too." I said snuggling up against him as he put his arm around me.

"Mi Mi?" Khay said.

"Yes?" Mikayala responded.

"There's something I've wanted to ask you for a while now and I think that right now is the best time to ask." He said facing her.

"What is it?" She asked nervously.

He licked his lips and smiled. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Mikayla's POV

Ok, did he just say what I think he said? He just asked me to be his girlfriend. Damn it Le Le was right. She knew he was going to ask me and I doubted her.

I smiled at him. "Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend." I said.

He smiled. "Yes!" He yelled in excitement.

We kissed as the Ferris wheel continued to move. This night couldn't get anymore perfect than this. I hope things are going well for Lela. I really think that this guy is perfect for her. Plus we all go to the same school. SQUAD!!! But seriously they seem perfect for each other.

"Do you go to the fair often?" Lela said rubbing off the cold.

"Are you cold?" Melvin asked taking off his blue jean jacket and putting it on her.

"Yeah, kind of. Thanks." She said accepting his jacket.

"Yes I do. Whenever the fair is in town... I go." He said with a smile.

"I love the fair." Lela said and smiled while pulling his jacket closed around her.

"I see." Melvin said with a laugh.

"Shut up." she laughed lightly smacking his arm.

The ride stopped and we got off and went to go get some nachos. Khay and I walked over to the concession stand to be greeted by you know who.... Chris and Agnes.

"Oh, so I see you two still going strong." I said snuggling close to Khayman.

"Of course we are. I made sure of that." Agnes said smirking.

"I love this girl." Chris said smiling at her.

I scoffed. "Good luck with that." I said.

Khayman scoffed. "Yeah, lets see how long that'll last." He said laughing.

I laughed, "Good one bae." I smiled.

"Lets get some food. shall we?" Khay asked.

"We shall." I said.

"Ugh!" Agnes groaned and stumped off. Chris looked at me annoyed.  "Que estas mirando?"  I asked.  He shook his head and turned in the direction that Agnes walked off.

"Baby wait!" Chris yelled and chased after her.

Maiya laughed when approaching us with Ant. "What was that about?" Maiya asked?

Anthony sat on a stool and pulled Maiya close to him. She leaned back against him.

"Jealousy." Khayman stated.

"Lots and lots of jealousy." I said. "Demasiado divertido." I added laughing satisfied. "Eres chica torpe." Maiya laughed.

"Y'all stay speaking Spanish.  It's so sexy." Khayman said with a smile.

"Anyways!!!!! We're here to have fun so lets not let the negativity come in between that." Ant said.

"Look at you stating facts." I said with a laugh. "Its my charm." Anthony smiled and winked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2016 ⏰

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