Chapter Four - We Fight Monsters

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The storm churned into a miniature hurricane. Funnel clouds snaked towards the skyline like tendrils of a monster jellyfish. How is any of this normal? I thought, staring at the force of nature, this is anything but normal, that's for sure. The class screamed and ran for the building, leaving their notebooks and backpacks to be snatched by the wind. I saw Jason skid across the slick floor he looks like he knows what he's doing. Leo, however, stayed behind the class and was still on the walkway. He waved his arms in the air, trying to get my attention. I ran towards him, fighting the hard wind pushing me back. Leo lost his balance. A spike of fear struck me, making me run faster than before.

The wind pushed him further making him fall over the railing and plummet to the void like his makeshift pipe cleaner helicopter. Out of instinct, I raised my arm at the scene and kept running towards him. I'm Hecate's daughter, I can do magic, right? Oh, gods, please let me do magic.

I felt my entire body glow in silver, my arm most especially. I saw Leo hover in the sky, his eyes closed shut in fear. I realized that I was doing this, I saved him. When he opened his eyes, seeing that he wasn't falling anymore, his gaze fell on me. Leo didn't look at surprised; in fact he looked like he was proud of me for being able to do this sort of thing. I let my arm fall back to my side when Leo stepped back on the walkway, the silver glow fading slowly from my body.

He ran towards me and enveloped me into a hug, "I always knew you were a little weird." Leo whispered in my ear. Relief washed over me at least he didn't want me to burn at the stake. Little flashes of memory kept intruding into my mind, memories of me being in a camp with this blonde girl with pure gray eyes. We were sparring, I had this cool looking sword and she had... well, a sword. We were friends, and I don't remember her name.

"Come on, we need to get inside." Leo shouted. Jason and Coach Hedge were already near the doors, Piper and Dylan were the ones holding the doors open, herding the other kids inside. Now that I know who cursed me with whatever curse that may be, I can't help but dislike Piper. I forced the feeling out of my system that fight was between me and Aphrodite, not her children.

Aphrodite cursed me, not Piper. I don't even know what the curse is, but Aphrodite is behind it. Not Piper. Not Piper. Not Piper.

"Angela, what's going on?" Leo asked, his focus entirely on Coach Hedge and Dylan, "They look like they're about to rip each other's throats out – not that I don't like seeing Dylan falling on his butt and all, but there's a hurricane behind us... I don't think this is the right time and place."

Hedge was a faun, a Satyr to be accurate. Coach Hedge took off his cap, revealing two small bumps on his head, and made this angry animal bleat. Before Leo and I could make another step toward them, Dylan pointed at Leo, and suddenly a funnel cloud materialized around him. Oh! So Dylan's the monster. That seems just about right, he's awful.

Leo flew off the skywalk – again. Somehow he managed to twist in midair, and slammed sideways into the canyon wall. He skidded, clawing furiously for any handhold. Finally, he grabbed a thin ledge about fifty feet below the skywalk and hung there by his finger tips.

I have no idea what I can do or what powers I might possess, but I ran for it. I jumped over the railway, sparks of silver igniting around me, and clung on the ledge Leo was grabbing onto, "We have got to stop meeting like this." Leo almost lost his grip when he saw me practically flying at the canyon, "You are the coolest girlfriend. But how are we supposed to get back on solid land?"

Good question, hopefully I have a semi-good answer.

"Do you trust me?"

"At this rate, I trust you with my life which is by the way all I have."

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