One Shot

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The light angel let out a huge sigh. He was tired of just sitting around, waiting for the one he had affection for to make a move that he knew deep down was never going to happen. For the one he liked was too damn stubborn to do something like that. He wondered if his crush would even return his feelings.

Pit leaned back in the chair at his desk thinking of memories and times when the two were even remotely near each other. He remembered times where they won side by side, lost side by side, and really connected. Times when a simple question was asked, and a reply was straight foward or a half assed joke. Every time that they had contact with eachother. Pit began to spin around and around in the chair slowly but picking up momentum.

As he did this he thought back to some wise ass jokes and sayings his love had said and could never quite figure out if he was flirting or simply messing with the little brunette. It puzzeled him greatly, as it wasn't uncommon for it to happen.

"heh heh"He chuckled to himself at some of the thoughts.

"Huh? Wowe!"


Angel boy was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't realize how fast he was spinning. He ended up on the floor and the black chair fallen on its side.

He stood back up after realizing what his over thinking caused him to do. He put the chair back on its 4 tiny wheels and pushed it back to the desk. Pit shut down his laptop and flopped on his bed.

Why can't this be easier? He thought. I wonder if I should just say something... get it off my chest and out of my system.

Confessing in a more straight foward manner would probably be the best route to go with this.

But how should it go? What exactly should I do?? Thought the little angel. He was rather afraid of rejection. It didn't help that he had absolutely no relationship experience prior to this.

He sat up as the what seemed like endless ways to approach this raced through his mind. Doing it kindly with some flowers? Kiss him when he least expects it? Find the perfect moment to confess under perhaps a beautiful star lit night?

Or ya know. Be all cool and casual, though he propbably couldn't pull that off.

Everything he thought of he assumed would end poorly.

Why do I even wanna try? What if he doesn't like me? Then technically I'm fretting over nothing... But what if he does love me? In that case this really counts.

Out of a slight feeling of hopelessness and anger he threw a pillow at the door... in ironic timing with his little crush walking in that very minute.

"Oof." The dark winged angel exclaimed as the harshly thrown pillow hit his face. Pit shot up somewhat embarresed and rushed towards his other.

"Pittoo I'm so-" he was cut short when he heard the others voice.

"Its fine. I don't want to know what happened. But I'm glad it was just a pillow and not an arrow like last time."

*recalls last time*

Pit picked up his bow and drew it back. He was pent with rage after what had happen only hours before. The bow was practically at its limit as he released the arrow and it flew straight towards the door as it opened, to his suprise. Pit looked in regret.

"...HOLY-" the dark angel uttered, as he was caught off guard. The blue arrow just grazed his cheek as he moved out of the way in the nick of time. He stared at the light angel.

Pittoo then resumed to calmly collect himself after an odd stare of 'what the fuck did you do... fuck it i won't even ask'. He gathered what he needed and left soon after.

Pit X Dark Pit (Pit^2)Where stories live. Discover now