Bright Lights

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Szayel: This is a sad story. *frowns*

Me: *hugs Szayel* Don't worry it may get happier.

Szayel: Really? *smiles*

Me: Maybe, maybe not. We'll see what mood I'm in when the time comes.

Onward with the next chapter

I hear a buzzing. Am I dead? Can you hear when you're dead? I slowly try to open my eyes. I'm hit by an overwhelming white light. Maybe I am dead. My eyes start to adjust. No, wait I'm just in a hospital. The buzzing was just the machines around me.

I look around. Where's Yilforte? Did he...?

"Hey hun." A nurse walks into my room.

I try to talk, but I can't. I look at the nurse and reach for my throat.

"I was just about to tell you. You weren't breathing for a couple of days, so we had to use a tube. Your throat will be sore and when you talk your voice will be raspy for a few days. Would you like some water and a whiteboard so you can communicate?" The nurse asks.

I nod my head yes. The nurse leaves, and I sit on my bed waiting. I wasn't breathing? How long was I out?

The nurse comes back with the whiteboard and markers. She sets the water next to my bed. I drink the water down in one gulp.

"How long was I out?" I write.

"You were out for two weeks hun." The nurse says.

"Does my face look the same?" I know it's silly, but I want to know what to expect.

The nurse smiles and chuckles. "Your face is the same hun. You have a scar or two from the glass, but you're still pretty." She assures me.

There's an inward sigh of relief. "Can I walk?" I'm hoping the accident didn't mess me up too much.

"Yes you can walk. You may be a bit unsteady at first since you've been in bed for so long." The nurse explains.

I nod. There's just one last question. I hesitate. "Is my brother ok?"

The nurse softens her look and grabs my hand. "I'm sorry honey, but your brother died." The nurse tells me.

Tears well up in my eyes and I start bawling. The nurse just holds me for a while.

"Ok hun I'm going to leave you alone for a bit. There's a shower in the bathroom if you want to use it. Don't get up too quickly so you won't fall. I'll be back in a while to bring you food ok?" The nurse says. She lets go of me and stands up.

I wipe away my tears and nod. The nurse leaves. I lay in bed for a few minutes. I'm alone. I get up slowly, and feel my legs wobble beneath me. I go to the bathroom and turn on the shower. I look in the mirror. I'm a mess. I should probably fix myself up. After my shower I try to tame my hair without a comb. I grunt and sigh. Deeming all my efforts in vain I lay in the bed again.

The nurse comes in. "Hey. I brought food." She says.

I try to smile and write "Thank you." on the board.

I eat my food and then sleep the rest of the day. After I'm able to talk again I go outside and do more things. Finally the doctor allows me to leave.

After the checkout I ride the bus back home. Ironically all the things we had bought that day survived. They gave them to me along with Yilfort's personal belongings.

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