Isaac - First kiss

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You're on your way to Scott's house with your best friend Allison. You're gonna hang out with him and Isaac, who lives with Scott.

You've pretty much had a crush on Isaac since you met him.

You're about to ring the doorbell when the door already flies open. It's Melissa McCall, Scott's mother.

"Oh hey Y/N and Allison! The boys are up in Scott's room."

"Thanks!" Allison says and you walk up the stairs.

Scott immediately runs up to Allison and kisses her when you two enter his room.

You look at Isaac who rolls his eyes at them. You look down and smile. Why is everything he does so cute?

"Scott and I decided to be nice and let the two of you pick tonight's movie." Isaac says after Scott and Allison break their kiss.

You and Allison walk over to the rack with movies and start discussing what to watch as you flip through the DVD's.

After 5 minutes you finally pick a movie: UNFRIENDED. Allison had already seen it and you've been willing to watch it for quite a while now but you never got a chance.

"Me and Scott will get some snacks from downstairs." Allison says and gives you a little smirk as she leaves the room followed by Scott.

That leaves just you and Isaac.

You sit down on Scott's bed but after like 10 seconds you stand up and start walking back and forth.

Isaac, who's sitting on the ground follows you with his eyes.

Being alone with Isaac makes you nervous. Really nervous.

Eventually he stands up and walks towards you.

"Listen, Y/N." He starts.

"I'm not gonna hide the way I feel about you. Not anymore." He says and before you can even think of a response he roughly pushes you against the wall and crashes his lips onto yours.

You immediately start to kiss back. Because after all, this is the moment you've been waiting for since like forever.

"Wow wow, guys! Are we gonna watch that movie or do you want to continue this in the guest bedroom?'' Scott says when he walks in with a bowl full of popcorn.

Allison, who is behind him chuckles and winks at you.

"Thank you for offering us your guest bedroom but I'm gonna pass. It doesn't happen a lot that we get to pick the movie so..." You say as quickly turn around and walk over to grab the remote to hide that you're blushing.

"I would've taken the offer." Isaac mumbles to himself.

"I don't think we're quite there yet, honey." You say and give him a small peck on the lips.

You join Scott and Allison on the floor who are already cuddled up with blankets and pillows as they enjoy the Y/N and Isaac show.

"We can cuddle though." You offer as you hold up a blanket.

"Sounds good to me." Isaac smiles and wraps the blanket around you and himself.

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