Protective plushys

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"Come on guys you guys are slow"sky yelled

Pulling cd with her who was trying to catch up .

"slow down chica"cd said
but chica came out at the sound of her name

"I'm not running tho she is "chica said confused

"oh hun its okay some people use it as a part of speak"cd said

"oh okay night"chica said
going back in the bag

" night" cd replied
not noticing that they all stopped and everyone was looking at her .

"what"cd asked

"can I be the dad"blake said
wiggling his eye brows in suggestion.

"no ye don't no ye don't ye stay away"foxy said
jumping in front of cd in a protective manner

"yea "the others say  jumping up to till they were all in front of blake who was looking at them

"awwwwe they protect there momma this is so cute"sky said

"we not cute"pfoxy and pfreddy said together
glaring at sky who was backing up

"come on guys go back to bed he was kidding"cd said
and all the plusheys got in the bag except

pfreddy,pfoxy,and ptrap who got on cds shoulders and head

"not leavening momma with boy"pfoxy said
glaring daggers at blake who took a step back a little scared

"hey cd how did you meet the plushys"sky asked
out of curiosity

"oh they were out in my back yard hanging from a tree over a river, and I was a 6 or 5 year old but any way I climbed the tree they were in. i was about to jump down, when I almost slipped but the plusheys jumped out of the box and helped me up then my mom found me so I hurried and put them in the box before my mom floated me down. Gave me a lecture then I went to my room and took the top of the box off and they all said momma jumping on me ever since then, they called me mommy.Don't ask why I don't no and I asked but I went with it and became there mamma"cd explained

"aww that's a cute story"sky said pinching ptraps cheeks while she was giggling on cds head

"no cds cute"blake said
wrapping his arm around her waist but wasn't ready for what came next

"get your hands off mommy or else"pfreddy growled
then pfoxy noticed and growled also

"yea what are you going to do about it plush bo-"blake said

before he could finish the plush brothers jumped on him dragging him away to a tree and tied him up also punching him in the face
"don't touch mommy"they growled together
then skipped over to everyone else who looked surprised they could do damage

except cd of course who looked at them with a pointed look

"untie him boys you did enough damage to his face and ego already"cd sighed smiling a little

"bu-" before the boys finished

"now no buts"cd said
eevee was sleeping on cds bag but jumped at the tone in her voice

"fine but if thy touches mommy again then we do worse"they said

looking down and and un did the ropes around him

"thank you but warn him a little before you do"cd said
winking at blake

but the plusheys noticed and dragged there momma who was laughing at their actions with the others except blake who only smiled thinking this as a competition as they continued down the path.

(Sorry had to let the plusheys have a chaper everyonce in a while like if you like it)
"Stay away from my mommy"pfoy
"I just want to say hi"blake sighed
"No"pfoxy,pfredddy,and pbonnie yelld
"Come on guys"blake said sighing
"Boys calm down mamma will be there in a bit"cd yelled
"Awww your my mamma to"blake said flirtingly
"Shut up blake"cd yelled
"God he gets as ll my nerve sometimes"cd whispered
"But you do flirt back"
"Whos there " cd said standing up
"The author or your inner you"author
"Um okay-boys quit argueing"cd said runing out

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