January 1st, 2016

41 2 0

Is there more to life than brokenness?

Than trying desperately to patch our wrongs, only to create more?

Than a downward spiral of tears, shame, and unrest?

Jesus says yes. 

There is a path, a hope, a way out of the cycle.

There is a freedom, so we don't have to patch our wrongs.

There is rest.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

In Him there is forgiveness.

In Him there is freedom.

In Him there is rest.

"O wanderer come home... you're not too far"

How many times have we thought we were too far?

How many times have we felt forsaken?

How many times have we underestimated God's mercy?

"Earth has no sorrow, that Heaven can't heal"

The Creator of the heavens and the earth will not abandon you.

The One who himself died for you will not forsake you.

The Spirit who lives in you will give you rest.

"There's hope for the hopeless, for all those who've strayed"

There is hope in him who gives you peace.

There is hope in him who gives you strength.

There is hope in him who gives you rest.

"There's rest for the weary, a rest that endures"

We are all in need of rest, whether from work, from school, from home....

We are all in need of forgiveness, we cannot patch our own wrongs.

We all need rest.

"Come as you are"

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