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When I opened my eyes I was in front of a Mall called "Brides and Grooms." I glared at him for a a second, I asked " What's this?" He replied "We need to find wedding stuff liked rings, our Outfits and other stuff." "Okay I'll look for my dress and you look for ur suit and we can both meet at the ring shop in 2 hrs?" I replied. "Okay Bye" said L.
I picked out a Silky White dress with a v neck shape! After that I went to the ring shop but no sign of a L. Then I went looking for him, I was tired so I went to the cafe and ordered food when all of a sudden I saw
L kissing a girl! I was shocked! I knew this was non of my business, But I was his Fiancé. So I went in front of him And Yelled "Yah! Why are you kissing a girl!!! Where Cheating on me??
Then I saw the girl and L starring at me. I ran when all of a sudden he grabbed my hand and said " Where are you going? I replied " Yah!!! Let go of me!!! He yelled "No! Not until you tell me where you're going?" He said loudly. You don't have to know! And Y should you know!!! Your nothing to me!!!" I yelled." Your My Future wife!" He yelled. "I DON'T CARE!!!" I said. "Look it was a misunderstanding." He replied. "You Kissing a girl was a misunderstanding?" I yelled. "That's it I'm leaving!!"

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