Chapter 1: Expect The Unexpected

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Neveah's POV

It was like any other day I woke up to the warm rays of the sun hitting my closed eyes the smell of the food downstairs made me hungry but before going downstairs I went to the bathroom to have a shower, wore a little bit of make-up on and got changed into my school uniform.


Neveah got to the table full of food and sat down in the chair

"Neveah sweetheart we have something to say to you" her father said in a cheery voice

"What is it appa?" she said while eating her breakfast "You will be marrying someone from Bighit Entertainment and that person is Kim Taehyung you will be marrying him whether you it or not"

"What!! so I'm marrying V from Bangtan?!?" she said angrily at her father

Then she banged her fist on the table stood up and walked away while messing up her hair while walking towards the door and heard her father shouting for her to come back and not be rude. Once she was near the college she saw her friends standing out side the entrance waiting for her. Neveah walked faster so that her friends wouldn't wait for her any longer. As she reached them they could feel a dark aura around her.

Neveah's POV

As I walked toward my friends I could see them talk among themselves, so when I reached them they stared at me.

"What are you staring at?" I asked

"What's with the dark aura around you?" Minhee asked concerned

"Parents and their... you know.." I sighed

"Guys lets head in or else we'll be late, therefore our teacher will grill us" Acer said impatiently

We all headed inside whilst I mouthed to them that I would tell them what happened this morning with appa.

For the rest of my day all i could think about is that KIM BLOODY TAEHYUNG IS MY HUSBAND TO BLOODY BE

What crap are my parents up to now.. all they think about is their stupid business, I knew this would happen to me sooner or later


I explained everything to my friends however I got the wrong reaction from them. One they know that i have supported BTS since their debut, secondly they know that V is like my bae, however how can i be comfortable with the person i have never meet in person and especially how can I accept this marriage if i have never meet him and we have never dated once... although I have the money for every single ticket they have sold and I have a lot of connection in the industry, I never once used the power and I focused more on the studies than going to concerts.

-After College-

Me and the squad were heading towards the college entrance so that we could go home however for some reason a whole crowd of female and male but mostly female were screaming and fangirling, as we headed closer and closer the screams got louder and louder

I thought to myself

*What the hell, this place has turned in to a fish market, so much rowdy people unless some kind of idol is here.. oh cra-*

I snapped put of my though because Sapphire bumped into cause of this crowd

"Hey why is it so rowdy?" I half shouted at them

"Well gurllll~ it's because an idol car is parked out here and from the screaming I'm guessing it's BTS" Acer answered with a loud voice

"What if it's BTS? Neveah what will you do?" Sapphire pointing it out to us with a little smirk

"Well obviously if it's Bangtan I wi-" I was cut off by more screaming

Suddenly we heard BTS' manager shout

"Does anybody know where Son Neveah? or is anyone close with her?"

I looked at the three with pleading eyes but before we knew it a fellow classmate of ours shouted

"Manager oppa!! Neveah is here!! She's here" whilst jumping up and down and waving hands about as if she won a prize or something..


The crowed parted at both sides to let me walk through and once the finished moving to both sides it revealed BTS' manager stand outside the driver side and waited politely as I walked towards him

"Anneonghaseyo" I bowed at him and he bowed as well

"Please step inside Neveah-shi, Taehyung is there inside waiting for you" He said to in a whisper voice so that the fans wouldn't hear that he was actually there inside and before I could answer he opened the door for me and was forced to go in by Acer and two girls.

-End of POV-

As Neveah stepped inside the van, she saw a figure staring outside the window, without him realizing that she was there he mumbled

"aish what is this about now,is this some kind of  joke?"

As he turned his head towards the seat next to him, his facial expression became stiff because he couldn't believe that she was seating there with a pissed off look

Neveah opened her mouth to answer his question

"Knowing my parents V-shi this is NOT a joke, I'm sorry to have surprised you"

"Oh no it's okay, it's just that I was in my own world, so you must be Son Neveah" putting his head cutely to the side


I hope you guess enjoy this first chapter ^^

If you guys have any suggestion for the next chapter please leave a comment

Also please put this in your library for more updates on this story ^^

Hope y'all had a great christmas this year

And let's keep tweeting BTS to encourage them, show our love and also wish Taehyungie and Suga a fast recovery.

Remember to tweet Taehyungie a happy birthday and for sure it will brighten his day

My Husband Is Kim Taehyung?!? (BTS V Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now