Chapter 22

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Peter couldn't describe the feeling he felt going through him as she ran over to Charlie's lifeless figure.

Before he touched her he put her heart back in the tree.

"Look what you've done!" Peter shouted in anger holding Charlie's lifeless head in his lap.

"You did this to yourself....besides she's not dead, It's a sleeping curse" The Evil Queen said in anger as she looked helpless from Pan to Henry's lifeless body.

While Peter wasn't looking she preformed a preservation spell on his body, to keep him alive long enough to get his Heart back in his body.

"No, everything was fine until you people showed up and ruined my plans!" Peter shouted back caressing Charlie's cold cheek with his fingers.

"She wasn't happy here Pan, and you know it" Emma spat at him looking helplessly at her sister.

"She would have been, she only needed time"

"It's been 31 years much longer do you think she would have waited? I know her, she would have done this to herself regardless of us coming to save Henry" Neal said holding back his tears.

"Perhaps...but she's doomed now, the only way to break the curse is true love's kiss, and we both know she doesn't have a true love, at least not here" Peter spat.

"She can't love with out a heart in her body" Regina spat at Pan.

"Take her body if you want, but her heart is mine" Peter shouted and dissappeared into the night, leaving Charlie, and Henry's bodies behind.

"It's simple then isn't it?" Emma asks running over to Henry as Neal ran to Charlie.

"What's simple?" Regina asked holding Henry in her arms.

"If Charlie cursed herself to a curse thats only cure was true love's kiss....and her heart wasn't in her body, then the only way to break the curse is to put her heart back into her body" Emma explains.

Neal stodd up holding Charlie in his arms.

"You're all we have to get Charlie's heart back" Neal says walking closer to everyone else.

"So plucking Henry's heart out of Pan's chest and finding her heart is all we have to do? What happened to Henry being our only priority?" Regina asked.

"Family, she's been here too long to leave her here Regina" Emma says standing up.

"And if it comes down to Henry or Charlie? Who are you gonna save, Our son, or Neal and Guy Liners mistress?" Regina snapped.

"Hey!" Neal shouted angrily.

"It won't come down to that" Emma says as Neal picks Henry up as well.


Neal layed Henry and Charlie down on a cot as everyone thought of a plan.

Regina started yelling at Lost Boys as Snow held onto Charlie's hand stroking her lifeless hair.

"All of this fighting isn't helping Henry or Charlie!" Neal snaps.

"This is all your fault, if you could have just gotten her off when you did!" Hook snaps at Neal.

"You think I abandoned her? Because that is exactally what you did" Neal shouts back at Hook.

"Aye, I may have done a lot of terrible things in life but abandoning her? I would Never do something so low" Hook says advancing towards Neal.

"Stop!" David shouts.

"Peter's at his thinking tree....her heart is there too" The littlest boy, John spoke to Emma.

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