Black Lion (3)

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Quick A/N: Thanks to Sutoroberiful, DarkandStormy and Littlemississy for making me some awesome covers! The main cover is from Sutoroberiful, dontcha love it?!

And the last two banners were Littlemississy's entries. Next will be DarkandStormy. Hey also, go read littlemississy's story, there's only one part atm, but it's so good! You guys will love it. Anyways, May the force be with you!


Chapter 3

That night, I felt the need to run back to the graveyard. I changed into some black cargo pants and a black hoodie and I was ready to roll. Numbly, I made my way to the dead tree and slumped against the trunk. I pulled the hood up closer and looked up at the stars. Then I heard a small squeal from across the yard and my head snapped around.  I slowly got up and crept over. I saw a pile of fur laying in the ground with some bones scattered.

“Probably just a wolf,” I muttered to myself. I turned and I saw a shadow in the corner of my eye. I jumped about two feet in the air and wrapped my arms around myself. I crouched down to hide behind the headstones and crept through until I was back at the gap. I heard another crunch and a squeak and climbed over the debris and onto the side of freedom. I ran until I was on the other side of the forest then slowed to a walk. Up the hill and over another fence, then up a wall and in my window. I really need a place to practice my parkour… I’m going to get out of shape if I can’t. Anyways, I climbed under the covers and tried to fall asleep. When I couldn’t I pulled out my new laptop and decided to set it up. It really didn’t take as long as I hoped, so I watched some Starship until I fell asleep.

                The next morning Lisa woke me up again. Starship was still paused.

“Is this what you do all night?” She asked. I nodded and stretched out a little.

“It’s a very good musical,” I defended.

“Yeah, because it can live up to Me and My Dick,” She said and left. I was sitting there, stunned that she watched the musicals just like I did… So I got up and followed her.

“You have to admit, Lauren does a killer Spanish accent!” I shouted down the hall as I ran down the stairs.

“Sure, but nothing tops Brian Holden as a tranny!” She called back. I nodded and sat at the table.

“I’m making bacon, do you want any?” She asked… Oh boy.

“Uhm, I don’t eat bacon…” I replied shyly.

“Why not?” She asked.

“The texture makes me gag, I also can’t eat hamburgers and oranges,” I admitted.

“Like anything of those?” She asked.

“No hamburgers what so ever and only processed meatballs because it’s not real… Uhm and just not whole orange fruits, anything spherical and orange pretty much. I can drink orange juice and stuff, but not actual fruit.” I finished.

“Oh my god, were you traumatized or something?”

“Sort of,” I said… Then I remembered. “And no meat lasagna, only vegetable.”

“Can you eat any meat?!” She asked.

“Duh, just not ground beef and bacon,” I said. She nodded.

“Noted, so what do you want then?” She asked.

“I’m a big girl Lisa, I’m capable of making myself a sandwich or something,” I defended.

Black Lion - A Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now