The Squad

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Kennedy's Pov

Alarm Clock: Plays song $ave Dat Money

*Whines. Turns it off*

Me: i have to wake up, Malak is going to show me around town and introduce me to his squad.

I had got up and brushed my teeth. Then i had put on my torn jeans and i put on my plaid shirt with my pink shirt underneath it. Then i put on my hat, earrings, sunglasses, and bracelet.
Then i texted malak if he was ready.

*phone conversation*

Me: Malak u ready yet

Malak: yea i am actually walking to yo house now

Me: k im coming out now

Malak: alright

*conversation ends*

Malak's Pov

Me: I bet kennedy looks fine as hell
anyway let me knock on her door

*knock knock*

Kennedy: COMING!!

*door opens*

(malak thinks damn she look good today)

Me: hey u ready to go

Kennedy: yea

1 hour later

Kennedy's Pov

Me: wow this neighborhood is huge, so where are we going next

Malak: actually that's all of the neighborhood

Me: ok so aren't we going to go meet your friends now

Malak: yea lets go they can't wait to meet you

15 minutes later

Malaks Pov

Me: k were here we all agreed to meet up at the park

Kennedy: k i see them too

Me: guys meet kennedy, kennedy meet Ben, River, Jaden, Tayvion, and Noah.

Squad: Hey

River: hi kennedy i hope we can be best friends

Kennedy: i hope so too

Ben: so malak what are we gonna do na

Me: i guess we can sleepover at my place for now yall want to?

Ben: cool

Tay: ight

Jaden: dats fine wit me

River: k

Noah: i guess sure

Kennedy: hold on im finna ask mi mom

*phone conversation*

K= Kennedy

K: mom can i stay da night at mi friends house
M: yes
K: thx mom your the best love u
M: love u too

Me: so what did yo mom say

Kennedy: she said yes

Me: k lets go

Squad: ight

River: wait before we go dont we have to go get our stuff

Squadd: oh yeah lol

Kennedy: lets go that first

Tay,Ben,River,Jayden,and Noah: k bye yall

Kennedy and Malak: bye

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