Mitch to Scott

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Dear Scott,

I guess it wasn't your fault. I understand why we didn't work, that you couldn't keep it up.

I understand that you didn't like lying to your family and your friends about who I was. You wanted to be normal. You didn't want to have to live in fear of being found out.

I guess, just, the sad thing was, I thought it was real to you. I mean, my feelings, what we had between us. I thought it meant something to you.

I think that's what hurt the most, honestly. The knowing that I was just an "experiment" for you, to realize that you were just as good getting it up for girls.

I don't think you've really grasped it, Scott, what I'm talking about. You used me. Like, some toy, to figure out what you liked. It didn't matter what I felt, or that I had feelings too. Only your reputation mattered. We met on your time, on your terms. I had to wear a disguise because you were ashamed of me.

It's only after I left that I realized, you were really selfish. I can't believe I was your boyfriend. Did you ever really love me?


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