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Hello wonderful world of Wattpad and all that inhabited!!!!

I have followed a whole bunch of people, and because Im feeling nice I am doing a very nice thing! Once a week (Maybe every few weeks...) I will share a book (Made by a follower) That is simply amazing but also has under 5K reads. I am doing this because I don't usually get many reads my self, but I want to help someone else have a lot of reads, because I know how it feels. So this is how I thought I would help my fellow Wattpadians.

Now I know what you thinking. "But Princess, how can I have a chance of you reading my book and sharing it?" Well all you have to is follow my other account (Princesspuppytoes) and message me (On the princess account) the book you want me to share. If I choose your book I will share it on this account AND my princess account. You will also receive a page in this book with a dedication.

Thanks you so much, and good luck


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