Chapter 9~Anger Leads to Hate

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We had returned back to the Jedi temple

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We had returned back to the Jedi temple. Obi-Wan had gotten me a Jedi cloak, finally. I sat in the room of a thousand fountains with my hood up. The sound of rushing water echoed through the dimly lit room. It was beautiful in here, the nature, the fountains, everything.

I was not feeling well. After my vision, the feeling of nausea had increased. Shaak Ti had sent me back to the temple to rest, while every other Jedi had been dispatched to destroy the remaining droid armies. They still have not found Padme, or the assassin. Not to mention Obi-Wan's saber.

I crossed my legs on the stone walkway,  and placed my hands on my knees. Meditation. That was the only way I would calm down. Breath in, breath out. I closed my eyes and kept my breathing at a steady rhythm. I could feel the force slipping around everything like a snake.


My eyes snapped open. "What. Was that?" I exclaimed, I was breathing rapidly. Not another vision, please no! "I am a Jedi, I can handle this" I closed my eyes and repeated the process. Breath in, breath out.

"Stop this nonsense!" A voice yelled. Lava flowed rapidly in between cracks and the remnants of a building.

"You turned her against me!"  Anakin?

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" My voice echoed around the room as my eyes flew open. I quickly glanced around the room, making sure no one was present.

Nobody, just lots and lots of flora. I brought my knees up to my chest and sighed. I studied the writing on the pottery beside the walkway.

It was a series of lines, I think the language is Corellian. I was not sure, I am not particularly fond of the language. This is tedious, the Council could have at least given me a task to pursue.

I have to return to Naboo. How do I know if clone armies have actually been dispatched, how do I know If Sabe is okay? For all I know, Padme could have escaped to Naboo. There is no way to contact them, I have tried.

I picked myself up from the ground and pulled my hood farther over my face. No one can know who I am. I casually left the room of a thousand fountains, making sure I didn't leave anything to prove I was present.

"Where are you going?"

I stopped dead in my tracks. I was so close to the hangar, so close! I slowly turned around, taking off my hood in the process.

"Lateia?" The voice belonged to Mace Windu. He didn't look impressed.

"I apologize Master, but I have to return to Naboo!" I crossed my arms. "For all I know, my sister could be there!" I reasoned with him, hoping that he would let me leave.

"I'm sorry, but I cannot let you leave" Windu also crossed his arms. "This was not only my decision but also Master Kenobi's"

I was shocked when he said this. How dare Obi-Wan keep me from my own planet! "I understand" I muttered, returning in the direction I came from. When Kenobi gets back, we are having a little talk.


The large Republic gunships rocked back and forth as they struggled to land. I stood in the shadows and waited. A squadron of troopers exited the ship, followed by none other than Kenobi.

I stormed up to him, not caring if any other Masters were present. Upon seeing me Obi-Wan smiled, but his expression faltered once he saw my face.

"Hello there" I greeted, a sarcastic tone dripping from my voice. "I had a little talk with Master Windu" My smile vanished. "How dare you keep me from my own planet!" I screeched unable to contain my anger much longer.

Obi-Wan was taken back by my sudden outburst. "Pardon" He managed to get out.

"Oh you heard me." I crossed my arms. "I have to get to Naboo! I am their Queen, I cannot just leave my people at the hands of the Separatist!" I could feel the anger course through my veins.

Kenobi looked hurt. "I truly apologize Leia, but-"

I slapped him on the face, cutting him off. The clone troopers muttered in the background. Someone laughed. Obi-Wan reached up to touch his face, where a red welt was beginning to form.

"Leia please, I am so sorry. I only did this for your own good" he tried to reason with me.

I sighed loudly. "Oh so you did this for my own good!" I hissed. "My people, will die if I do not do anything!" I gave him one last glare as I exited the hangar, throwing my cloak to the ground as I walked away.

Yay! Well Lateia's angry.... Guy troubles (eye roll) Anyways,

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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