New baby

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                          ~9 months later~
I am in the hospital and in labor with this baby, I don't know if it's a boy or a girl. It feels like an elephant in my stomach that's is doing cartwheels all over inside of me. It won't come out. I am screaming in pain. John is in the room, on his phone as usual, probably texting those drug people. He doesn't even acknowledge the fact that his child is about to be born.

One push and a shove later, I hear a baby's cry, it's a boy. I am exhausted, John finally looks up from his phone to see the baby.

"Girl or boy", he asks.

    "Boy", the nurse says. The nurse responds for me because I am so exhausted from giving birth that I don't have any energy to speak.

"What should the name be", John asks the nurse.

    "Laketon",I say in a whisper voice.

    "Laketon it shall be then", John says.

"Laketon Biren Colton, that shall be his name. He'll take on my last name and so will Kate." John say.

    We leave the hospital in four days time. Me, John, and baby Laketon all leave together as a family.

    "So John, how's the business going"? I ask.

    "We shouldn't speak of this in front of my son", John says.

    "Our son", I say.

    "My son", John confirms.

    "Okay whatever, just forget it." I say to John.

                 ~Later that night~
    I went to the grocery store to get some formula for the baby then one of Johns people came up to me and said ,"Your husband owes me money, 26 G's! And I want it by tomorrow or you can kiss that family of yours goodbye." He says.

    "He's not my husband and where do you think we're gonna get $26,000 from. I can't just pull it out of the air. We don't have the money", I say.

    "We'll get the money, or you're mines sweetheart", he says in a rapist voice.

    I get scared so I hurry up and buy the formula and drive home. I tell John everything that happened.

    "Oh he won't do nothin' he ain't bout dat life, don't worry bout him. He ain't gettin' shit! I already told him I'm not paying him", John said.

    "John this is serious, you're putting your family on the line for an illegal job. People get killed doing this John. You have a son, do you want him growing up without a father or a mother?" I ask John.

    "I don't care, I'm not paying him shit. He doesn't deserve to get any of our money". John says.

    "No, it's your money. I'm out. I don't need this. I'm gonna take our baby and stay with my mother for a while. Do you want your money or your family? Think about that John", I say to him.

    "You aren't going anywhere, you think you're just gonna leave me huh! Remember Paris darling. You're all mines. Don't ever try to leave me", John says. He picks me up and slams me on the bed. He tapes my arms and legs to the corners of the bed. He kisses my lips and cuts off all my clothing.

    "John please, stop", I cry.

    "You're so sexy when you plead, call me big daddy", John says. He says as he licks my stomach down to my belly button. He rapes me.

    I wake up, fully clothed. Hair is a mess. I have bruises on my wrists and my ancles. I have no clue what happened last night. John is sleeping like everything is perfect and like nothing happened. But I think something did happen. I think he raped me. Should I go to the police? He'll go to jail for a while but he'll surely kill me when he gets out. I should just let it slide, I feel as if i am being blackmailed. I feel unsafe, I just want me and my baby to be safe and happy but being here makes us neither. That can't be the man I fell in love with, he is like a monster now. Maybe even a murderer...

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