Chapter 1

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  It's just a typical day at Southern Hollow High. There are the populars, acting better than everyone else. The nerds, the band geeks, the hippies, the jocks, partiers. The bad kids, "thugs". And then there's me. It's all the same. Never changes, same old boring town, boring school, day in and day out. I can't stand it.

I sigh. I guess it will never change. And it's not really that bad. I'm just bored. I'm walking to class when, suddenly, a super popular bitch named Kate walks up to me.

"Hi," she says. She has long, wavy, auburn hair, and bright hazel eyes. It's no wonder she's so popular, really. I look at her suspiciously. She has never spoken me outside of some unfortunate class projects before, so of course I would be confused.

"What?" I ask abruptly. There is no reason ti beat around the bush, I might as well get straight to the point. People say I'm cold hearted. An unsympathetic bitch. At least that's my reputation. I think that's true, I just find emotions illogical, and I push them aside to think rationally. Emotion just clouds judgement and gets you hurt. I may not be nice, but Kate only laughs. 

"What? I can't talk to you? I'm just trying to be nice."

"Well, I suppose I'm just not in the mood for talking to you. It's not like you have ever bothered before. So what do you want?" I ask shortly. I just want to get this over with.

She sighs. "I guess I was just going to invite you to this party I'm having this weekend." I'm surprised. I haven't been to a lot of parties in my life, and certainly not with people like Kate. Once I even heard someone say they were afraid I was going to stab them in their sleep. I got a good laugh out of that. How ridiculous.

"A party?" 

"Well not a party, exactly," she states, "more like a little get together, a sleepover of sorts." I'm even  more surprised at this. A sleepover is much more personal than a party, and she's so popular, and I'm just, not. Not as if I care, though.

"Again, why?" I ask, "It's not like we are friends, and I don't really know you that well, Kate"

"Oh, come on, Oliana, please? Just come? My parents are gonna be out of town, and I'll have booze," she flashes a grin at me, showing off dimples, "Just appreciate the invitation."

 I feel a wave of contempt wash over me. What? She must be delusional. Who does she think she is? Is this a joke? I should just be blindly happy that she, a popular, wants me around? I fight back a wave of laughter. No! I get a strong urge to ridicule her, but I compose my thoughts. I shouldn't say anything impulsively, and I don't care. I really don't.

But I calm my thoughts, and my internal outburst passes . She would have never known, my face a blank impasse of nothing. "No. I don't do things blindly, without reason. I need facts. Even Paul would be more likely to do something like this than me. If you want someone like me so bad, just ask him" Paul is my best friend, and very much similar to I.

"Fine, I give up," she throws her hands up, exasperated, "and I already asked him, he is busy. To tell you the truth, this is all a social experiment." She leans closer to me. "I'm asking one person from each clique over and seeing how things work out. There is a lot of extra people and groups around school that aren't coming, of course, because I want to keep this small, and I'm taking from the groups that I think might clash the most." 

I smirk. That actually sounds great. I'm always up for a good science experiment, and this sounds very amusing. "Okay. You've got me. I'm always up for a good experiment, especially on people. I do love to learn about different people and their emotions, so this sounds fun. As long as we are partners in this." I look her dead in the eyes.

She looks back at me, then smiles. "Deal. I think having a partner on this would actually be better." She holds out her hand to me. I shake it and laugh.

"Walk to class with me?"

"Sure," I respond. "I never knew you were so rotten, Kate," I smirk, "I mean, this is a pretty shady thing to do..."

She blushes, "No, I wouldn't say it's exactly like that... Well, maybe, but everyone has their secrets, right? It's only little drama..."

"So who have you invited as of yet?"

"Well, I've got Maleana coming," she pauses. I sigh. I try not to be biased, but I really don't like her. She is a snobby slut. All she cares about is partying and having sex, and she is really dimwitted. I let out a harsh laugh, and look over at her, hinting at her to continue. "And Hannah is coming too. She says she might bring a couple others. I plan on inviting Tisha and Stephanie too." She finishes. Wow. quite the group. I feel like this will be very interesting.

"I have my next class with Stephanie,so I could ask her," I offer.

"Sounds nice. So see you on Friday?"

"See you then!" I respond in a slightly lilting voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2016 ⏰

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