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Fact 13: She will faint if she saw a room full of pink and a person wears pink. For example, Sakura. It's one of her weakness.

Fact 14: She's addict to Galaxy.

Fact 15: Only Yuri can stop Madara doing something bad. Madara swear to never hurt Yuri in anyway.

3 months later


In those times, my kenjutsu and nintaijutsu increased! Thanks to Hibaka-sensei! *grin*

I also have a new friend, his name is Kendaichi. Hibaka-sensei found him in Senju Territory, Aichi-kun said he's already alone in the age of 5. And I was surprised when he said he's an Uchiha. I was planning to get revenge for Aichi-kun but Hibaka-sensei stop me because it was plain stupid. So I promised to Aichi-kun that someday I will avenge his family. We get along in those months and Sensei wants me to meet his other students and he said we will travel in 3 years. My parents agreed and I farewell at them yesterday.

I turn 5 last month and grandpa's gift for me is a sword! (Image at the top) I already have two blades so in this day, my hobbies is to collect blades!

I meet the 5 students of Hibaka-sensei. We introduce ourselves only in names, without surnames of course. Hibaka give us a Survival test, we should meet him at the top of a mountain and it was hard because we in counter a different path. The left side is the spooky one and the right side is full of rainbow trees and sparkling flowers. The jerk, bitch, stupid and the leader guy choose the the right side. Kishi-chan, Aichi-kin and I choose the other side. I choose because my instict said so and Its really suspicious, I risk my life in this path. Aichi-kun believes at me so he choose it, and Kishi-chan believes at Aichi-kun rather than Kojima 'the leader' of the group. Kishi-chan and the stupid boy are friends and when Kishi choose Aichi-kun, the stupid boy said "Our friendship is over!" It's hurts because in one simple decision they friendship is over, Kishi cried and I almost cried too. We Take our different paths and my instinct is true, the creepy tree and the human skeleton are only disguise and we heard a scream of the other path after 10 min.

"Aichi-kun take Kishi-chan to sensei and I save the others!" I yell.

"But Yuri-hime--" he protest.

"No! They still my comrades! Even they didn't trust me, even if they hate me forever. I'm.still.saving.them." I firmly said. He Flinch a bit.

"Yuri-chan please save Taiki!" Kishi yelled. "Ya" I said.

I run to the other path as fast as I can. (She Forgot she's wearing weights)

I saw a gate and I sense that there's two creature guarding the gate. I Flickered inside, they are hiding above, I summon my blade. "Youtou: Kasaneru Tsumi!" They jump and ready to fight me, after they move I flickered to monster 1 and slice him, one slice is enough because I'm using a Cursed blade, gift from my grandparents. The another monster roar and jump at me "woaaah" thanks for being small I Dodge him and I Twist & turn and hold my blade tight and shiiing he turned into dust.

"Minna!" I yell after seeing them. The bitch is on the ground, holding three strawberry. It's poisoned. So I Conclude that she's already dead. I saw Kojima fighting to the walking and evil looking trees. I saw Taiki, he's paled and trying to move. I make a hand sign for medical ninjutsu and start healing him. "A..Arigatou.." he whisper. I roles my eyed and said "I'm not doing this because youre dying.." his eyes widen "I'm doing this because of someone else." I added. He wants to say something "I-I umm" "save it." I shut him. I heal him fast and help Kojima to kill this evil trees. I summoned Youtou: Kasaneru Tsumi again and save him. "So.. Wassup" I Ask normally and unsummoned the blade. They sweatdrop.

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