25 Things I Love About Her

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If someone had told me nine months ago that I would be deeply in love, I know I’d laugh in their face. After being cheated on an excess of eight times, you get used to the fact that you’re just not going to find love, it really isn’t possible when you’ve had your heart stabbed that many times.

But if there’s one thing I’ve learnt in my twenty years of life on this earth, it’s that life can throw you some seriously huge curveballs. Mine came in the form of a young woman, and a unique one at that. But you know that saying? Good things never come easily? Well it seems life just couldn’t give me a break with this one.

I’m going to be blunt with you, this isn’t going to be anything other than a love story, but you never know, you could find yourself laughing and crying…I don’t know. But there’s definitely one thing I can guarantee you: this isn’t your typical sappy love story; because let’s face it, this is real life and you just don’t fall in love at first sight. 

                                                                                               - Nathaniel Galvin -

Authors Message from Noah

Hey so thanks for clicking on this thing, I really appreciate it. So uh this is my first crack at writing anything that resembles a story or something so you know, feedback would be much appreciated because I'm new to this and yeah. 

This is Noah by the way and this isn't even a proper chapter, I just thought it'd be nice to give a bit of a teaser or something so you guys can get a glimpse of the writing style and all that? Yeah I'm making a mess of this Author Message thing...sorry. Can you even say sorry in these things? I must admit it's kind of weird referring to myself as an 'author'...trippy.

Anyway this whole entire book, story, piece of writing is dedicated to the person that this is dedicated to because of the simple fact that she's the reason I'm even writing. Honestly, without her you guys wouldn't be reading this so it'd mean so much if you'd read her work, trust me, she's an incredibly talented writer - I'm not even exaggerating. I love you sweetheart. 

So yeah, this message is probably longer than the actual foreword or whatever that I just wrote but I hope that you're going to continue reading. That'd be really nice of you guys. 

Oh and this is going to be only written by me and nobody else. Just saying you know? Oh yeah and what do you think of the cover? Is it too gay?

So tell me what you all think? And any feedback and ideas and all that are much appreciated. Compliments are accepted too ;) 



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