The Beginning

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Sorry for the long wait for an update, I've been going through a rough patch with my health. This took forever to write because I suck at writing but yeah I hope that you know, there are still people that are even remotely interested in this.

I want to thank and dedicatethis to my girl (I didn't know if she wanted to be named so I'll keep it a secret), she's amazing and she's my strength. She's the reason I wrote this and this was supposed to be an anniversary gift but she knows why I was unable to get it to her. 

This is for you sweetheart, I love you with all my heart and all the good bits in my body, and I thank you with my life for staying with me through thick and thin.  

I love you always my darling.

Hope it isn't too bad guys.

- Noah

Sat, 25 Aug 2012 at 1:50



Subject: Hi

Dear Maddison,

It’s been a month since I first laid my eyes on you and while most couples would be having a one month anniversary, that isn’t really possible for us is it? I’m sitting in this shitty little wicker chair in an equally shitty hostel in Hanoi and I’m writing to you and I’m wondering why I left things the way they were.

I don’t really know what we are but I know that you’re my wonderwall: you’re the one I think about all the time and I’m simply infatuated with everything about you.

I understand that our situation isn’t ideal and maybe we met at the wrong place at the wrong time. Not just literally, but in our lives I mean. Maybe we were supposed to meet once you’d moved to Australia? Maybe we were supposed to meet five years down the track? Maybe we were never supposed to meet at all: that’s what kills me, the thought of never having met you in the first place.

I’m not really sure what we are anymore Maddy, but I guess I wanted to say that I miss you and I wish things were different.

            - Nate

The Beginning

July 25, 2012

 “We all want to break our orbits, float like a satellite gone wild in space, run the risk of disintegration. We all want to take our lives in our own hands and hurl them out among the stars.”  David Bottoms.

When most people take an around the world trip it’s because: 1) They’re on a gap year; 2) They’re on a honeymoon; 3) They’re senior citizens.

However you see, I don’t fit into any of these three categories, so let’s add one right now: 4) 20 year old Australian university dropouts.

I’d told approximately fifty-seven people in ten different countries the reason for my trip around the world, and not once had I ever had a reaction like Maddison James’ reaction: “I can’t believe you’re still alive.” Insert a very shocked face here and say that sentence in a high pitched and very surprised voice and you’ve got a remake of her reaction.

Let me start again.

I met Maddison James on a random trip to a random pub in South Africa and I hadn’t been expecting too much of an exciting night when I walked in. Admittedly it was something of a dodgy pub too, there was a group of bikers huddled over something on a table and whispering in hushed tones; opposite from them was a business man and some hot little blonde bombshell who were shamelessly kissing and probably doing a lot of other things with their hands under the table; and then just behind the counter was a group of three girls and one guy, all dressed similarly in matching black clothes with a logo of a boar on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2013 ⏰

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