You Promised

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-Chrissy Wistimey

The girl woke out of her sleep and shuddered.. her tear stained glasses painted a deeper red than they were before. Lifting herself up, and still dazed she sniffed. Iron. It smelt very iron like... It smelt like her dream.. She glanced at her tear drop splattered glasses and laughed. "Hah.. hah..." cocking her head to the side and losing her previous smile, she encountered a thought. "How did this happen..." She then turned her head to the sleeping figure next to her and smiled. "There you are, my precious..." Caressing his face she laid a soft smile upon her lips. "Remember what you told me at the bar last night, that you promise you'll take care of me till darling returns...?" The figure gave no response.. His eyes shut to the world as leaky and misguided stitches laced his eye lids. "Won't you look at me lovely... am I not pretty enough for you...?" A soft whimper returned from the figure, followed by a softer plea. "Please......let me be..." The girl smiled and lifted a stocking coated leg flushed with crimson liquid. She cackled slightly and spoke softly into the boys ear, "You...promised...~" The words were spoken in an almost hissing fashion, leading the boy to start crying again. The girl lifted herself out of the bed and began to stretch, her white shades heavy and blocking any sort of light entering the room. Her eyes were currently a grey and scarlet color, that of which only occurs in a time of hunger... She kicked away various miscellaneous items such as the cleaver lying around or even that of the mangled teddy bear her beloved had given her so long ago. Crouching down, she picked up the mangled bear and nuzzled it. "It still smells like my darling.. From the blood and tears to the smiles and frowns... It all is so beautiful.." laying the bear down she just sort of giggled once again. Standing up she looked back at the boy who lay whimpering in her stead. Her slender figure, a trap to find more prey. More humble people for her too have help her with her.. tiring addictions. Her smile, her frown, and her eyes; all gateways of getting what she wants.... His weeping, withering voice - The ticket to getting her what she wished.. That being the pleasure and satisfaction of a temporary lover. Someone to get her by.. To fulfill her current hunger, if even only for a short period of time. Walking out of that dark room, a smell of post mortem erupted.. "...I forgot to clean up again..." She frowned, before letting her lips curve into a smile again, stepping past stitches and ripped shirts as well as the stench of sweat and iron once again. Walking down the creaking stairs, she hummed to the sound of the breaking floorboards - a chill blowing throughout her bare body that was only merely clad by a dress shirt and lace underwear. She hummed a melody and only rarely sang the lyrics. "Hmhm hmm hm hmhm hmm hm Swear this one you'll save..~" Kicking yet another body to the side softly, she giggled. "Hmm hmmhm hmmhmm hmmhm taking this one to the grave..~" She stepped in small pools of crimson liquid, the sticky substance once more seeping through her stockings and splashing against her feet. Bounding down a flight of brick stairs she stopped and took a deep whiff in of the surrounding air. Holding it in and letting it out with an pleasured sigh and a hint of a moan she whispered one word. "Beautiful.." Dancing her way down the dark stairs, she grinned at the copious amounts of bodies awaiting her to ravish the cold skins that had been met with such and unfateful encounter. "Whose turn is it..." They all struggled to stay still, but her trained ears noticed the slightest struggle of a clanging shackle. "AH! You - You ARE alive.. silly boy... don't try to fool me..." She went back to humming as she danced towards him politely, the dress shirt ominously waving in the chill of the cold basement. "Hmm hmhm hmm hmm hmhm hmm hmm hmm hmhmm~" She lay her warm body against him and leaned in to kiss his neck, causing the gagged boy to whimper and drop a tear on the girls head. All it did was bring another curved, coiled, and cracked smirk to her face. Leaning her face and lips towards his ear, she wrapped one pair of clawed fingernails around his neck and using the other, grabbed an object off the cold stone table that lay right next to each body. Playing with his chin she whispered carelessly into his ear. " 'Cause two can keep a secret... if one.. of us.." She stabbed his stomach close to his kidney; not hard enough to kill him, but enough to hear him whimper in pain and discontentment... "Is dead...." She pulled back and looked at him with the smirk of a madwoman.. "You promised...." 

And with that smirk on my face.. I blanked out..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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