Chapter 16

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I know guys I am a little late with it but HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you, I hope that 2016 will be your year and that you'll be happy :) :**

Lily's POV: 

I could hear Nialls heartbeat underneath me and feel his hand brush through my hair once in a while. 

"Lil?" I looked up at Niall.

"Lil?" I asked smiling. 

"Yeah I want to call you that" he smiled back.

"Ok then do that" 

"Can you do me a favor?"

"What is it?" I kept asking.

"Please don't let Harry hurt you, because I think I won't be able to see you cry"

I couldn't help but smile. This was the cutest thing anyone ever said to me. 

"Thank you Niall, it means the world to me" He quickly gave me a kiss on my forehead, then we kept cuddling. I just had to laugh. 

"What is so funny?" he started to laugh too. 

"It's just, I am here almost two days and I already cause trouble and worry people"

"Don't worry about it, you are already really important to me and I have to protect the people who are close to me" 

"You know, you are really cute" He started blushing.

"If you think so" 

Maybe an hour later we were still laying in his bunk bed, enjoying eachothers company in the arms of the other one. Then Niall started talking again. 

"Do you maybe want to tell me what was wrong this morning now?"

"Ok, but first I know that I am stupid and all that stuff-"

"No you aren't" Niall interrupted me.

"Soo, Harry and I were cuddling last night and he was saying just cute stuff, then it was all romantic and he asked me if it was ok if he would kiss me"  Nialls eyes widened. 

"Did you? You know kissed?" 


"Oh now I understand, you thought after that you both were more?" I just nodded. "Wait when we played 20 questions, you said that you never had a boyfriend, please don't tell me that Harry got your really really first kiss" I looked down a bit ashamed. Niall looked really pissed from one moment to an other. "Ok I think Harry and I have to have a little talk real quick" 

I started to panic "No no no it's ok Niall, just let it go" Niall softened a bit. 

"But it isn't ok what he did" 

"Don't worry Niall, I am ok, really"

"If you say so, but I think you need some distraction, maybe we could do something when we arrive at the arena?"

"Sounds great, what are you thinking of?" 

"Maybe we could get some food and then I don't know maybe we could go the movies?" 

"Ok" I couldn't help but smile. 

"You look way better when you smile" 

We laid there for maybe 30 minutes, then I stood up to go to the toilet and that stuff. As I walked to the living area all the other boys excecpt Niall were sitting there. They were watching tv so I sat down next to Liam and watched with them. 

"Hey Lily have nice that you found your way back to us" Louis laughed. 

"Yeah" I laughed too.  Then Niall walked in the room too. 

"Ohooo Nialler is here too" Louis kept laughing, while Niall started blushing and then sat beside me. I quickly laid my head on his shoulder. 

"Still tired you sleepy head?" Niall laughed. In the corner of my eye I could see Harry starring at us or maybe just Niall. Time after time Harry glanced at Niall but Niall just put an arm around my shoulder to provocate him even more. 

"Harry you can stop glancing towards me, I saw it and I don't care because you aren't the innocent one here" And with that the whole room went silent and everyones eyes were on us.


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