Chapter 19

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Part 19

Cheryl's Point of View

I woke up in the morning with a pair of arms wrapped tightly around my waist, they definitely weren't Ashley's. I turned my head to the side and saw Kimberley sleeping peacefully and all the memories from last night came flooding back to me. Looking around the room, I saw our discarded pieces of clothing everywhere and I couldn't help but giggle quietly to myself. Last night had been amazing. I reached across to my bedside table and took my phone, I had a new text message. It was from Ashley.

“Babe, I'm coming over at twelve to take you out somewhere nice. I know you don't have any plans, so don't try and get out of this one. I hope you slept well in your flat. I love you xx”.

I glanced at the time, it had just turned eleven o'clock. He was going to be here soon and I still had a naked Kimberley sleeping soundly with her arms around me. Panicking, I began to shake her gently until her eyes fluttered open.

“Babe?” She mumbled sleepily. “What's wrong, I was sleeping..”

“It's eleven o'clock babe, I think it's time to get up.” I smiled before kissing her softly. She nodded in reply and began to move over to the edge of the bed, but suddenly stopped just as she was about to get out. “What's wrong babe?”

“I, erm, well... you know?” She mumbled in embarrassment. I quickly caught on to what she was going on about and began to laugh at her.

“What, you're naked? I never would have guessed!” I joked.

“I don't want you looking at me whilst I get my clothes on...”

“So even though last night I felt and kissed nearly every part of your body, I'm not allowed to see you naked now?”

“Yeah.” She replied matter of factly.

I closed my eyes and placed my hands over them. The mattress on the bed rose and I knew she was up getting changed. I screwed my eyes shut tighter, trying to resist the urge to peek and admire her amazing figure. I could hear her move about the room as she looked for her clothing that had been thrown carelessly away last night, eventually she found it all and told me that I could open my eyes.

“You better close your eyes whilst I'm getting changed..” I warned her as I began to move out the bed.


Ashley was going to be here in half an hour and I still hadn't gotten rid of Kimberley. I didn't know how to. I didn't want her to think that I had only got her over here for a one night thing, and having no intention to do it again, because it wasn't like that at all. I wanted to be with her, but things were complicated. I was with Ashley, and that gave me a sense of security. I knew that he was going to stand beside me and be there for me whenever I needed him. The public had accepted us as a couple, and I knew that if I ended it with him, it wouldn't go unnoticed and a lot of questions would be asked.

Kimberley on the other hand, made my heart melt. She was so beautiful and she didn't even know it. I knew that she would do anything for me and she was going to be there for me no matter what. I had liked her for ages, and now I could finally have her. The only problem was the public. How would they react if they found out I was dating another girl from the same band as me. Would people hate me? Would the band lose fans? I didn't know what would happen, and it scared me.

“Kimberley?” I asked, breaking the silence between us. We were in the living room watching tv. Well, Kimberley was watching it, I was thinking about things and enjoying her company.

“Yeah?” She turned her head to look at me.

“Ashley text me this morning,” Her smile on her face instantly dropped and she frowned at me. “He's invited himself over at twelve. I don't want you to think that I'm just kicking you ou-”

“It's fine Cheryl.” She snapped. “I'm going.” She got up from the couch and began to walk towards the door. I jumped up and followed her grabbing her arm before she could leave.

“Kimberley, please don't be like this.” She didn't reply to me, she wouldn't even look at me. “Kimba.. look at me, please?” When she didn't move, I moved, wedging myself between her and the door. She was crying, and it was all because of me.

“Just let me go. Ashley is coming.” She spat at me through her tears. I brought my hand up to her cheek, but she jerked away before I could wipe her tears away.

“Kimberley, why are you being like this?”

“Why am I being like this?” She laughed sarcastically. “Because, you know how I feel for you and you know that I'd do anything for you! You don't care about the fact that you're messing around with my feelings, you're just doing whatever makes you happy!”

I didn't know what to say to her. She was right, I hadn't thought about anyone else's feelings a part from my own. I hadn't taken into consideration the pain that she must be feeling because I'm still with Ashley, but wanting her at the same time.

“I'm sorry, I never even thought about that...” I tried to apologise, but it was coming out weak. I didn't like fighting with Kimberley, and I didn't know what I could say to her to make her feel better. “I'd do anything to be with you.”

“Leave him then, Cheryl!” She cried in frustration. “Leave him now!”

“I can't do that, I love him!” I blurted out without even thinking about it, I had panicked.

“How can you love him, but say you want me at the same time?”

“I don't know Kimba, it's complicated!”

She was quiet for a moment. She had stopped crying now, but she was angry. I had never seen her angry before and to be honest, it frightened me.

“Did last night mean anything to you? Did you enjoy it or do you f*cking regret it? Were you thinking about him the whole time?”

“I...” I started, but I didn't know what to say. I hadn't regretted any of it and I hadn't thought about Ashley at all throughout it.

“See, you can't even give me an answer!” She screamed. “I was just a fill in for him wasn't I? You played with my emotions and weaknesses to get what you wanted until he came back! You never changed did you? You just learnt how to manipulate me! I'm done Cheryl! It's obvious that you've chosen him over me, so have a happy life without me in it! I actually thought you could change, but I was wrong!”

She pushed past me and slammed the door behind her, leaving me all on my own. I was in shock from what she said and I didn't know what to do. The morning had started off so well, and now I had just lost the most important person in my life. I fell to the floor, resting my back against the wall. With my head in my hands I cried, having no intention to stop any time soon.

My Kimba was gone and it was all my fault.

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