8-The plan

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*meas pov*

I talked to the other jammers and we made a plan to take down Fman behind his back.

"Yea we should wear robes and be wearing matching outfits and have a secret sacide and and onieawuh';pouhrfg;/hrgjnl" said some random guy (no really his user is 'randomguy11')

"dude calm down bruh" I said

"We dont want anyone else that isnt in this community knowing about well the community"

"I agree" Pursie said

So here is the plan-

Rarez {rarezspikes) talks about her having bata and spikes to her friend shadow {shadowwolf3456 aka snoweypaw }

of course Fman cant resist of  course and use his hacking softwear by using a trade and making her accept without her even knowing

while Fman is working the hack Me and Liz {lizlizpetals12} will knock him out with this knock out gas we have and while we do that we put him in jail with phantom guards

And that's the plan

Fman122 (aj fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ