Ball Game

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Probably, you've seen my viral video on the internet, shooting the last ball from the half court? Right? Well, you can't see the kid on the video well, of course, because its just an amature family video. It was a really nice shot actually, as you have seen on the vid, our team's score was really close with our opponent, 50-50. There was only ten seconds left when I made that shot. It was just our lucky day. Before all that happen I was just in the bench, with my other teammates, I am actually a benchboy not in the first five or the in the next 3 who were mostly inside the court. I am always a substitute. No doubt about that. The reason why I was in the team is because of my father. He really wanted me to join the team because he wanted me to continue his dreams. Unfortunately for him, on his high school years, he could not continue because of an accident so that is why I'm here even though I'm really uncertain of this stuff. So I didn't mind that I'm always on the bench, as long as my dad knows I'm on the team that's a thumbs up.

Okay, back to the ball game, the reason why I was on the court was because of our best player, Johny was out because of his personal fouls. Our coach was really mad at him that time. I was just quiet when they had their break, sitting, as usual. When the referee started their whistling, coach pointed at me and told me to get inside. He was, well, disappointed that I'm the one left on the bench that has no personal fouls. He didn't say anything, he just pointed at the court. I was not excited or anything but I was determined to make a shot, even a single shot would do in my whole basketball career.

So when the time started clicking my teammate Sam was outside the line and he had a hard time if he will pass the ball to me, since I don't really play inside the court. He had another option, Brod, but unfortunately for him he was guarded already, while the others waited down the court. Eight seconds and still he couldn't pass the ball to any of us. Coach was already on the sideline screaming at him to pass the ball. I waited there. I don't know, I just stood there, looking at him. He has five seconds to pass the ball from the outside, two seconds has already gone by, the time was ticking, three-four..then he found an opening and passed the ball to Brod. Sam ran towards the half court, while me, on the side started to ran towards Brod, he was having a hard time to lose his defender. He lose the ball. Oh God why is this happening. Our opponent tried to get the ball but Brod just didn't give up he lunged forward towards the ball and he passed it to me as hard as he can. I caught the ball with my two hands, shaking from the impact. When I caught a glimpse on the screen, I noticed that we only have two seconds left, I threw the ball up, and as hard as I can towards the ring. I have to do something. And that's the best that I could. After throwing the ball and hearing the siren of the game I fell down towards the hard floor, face flat. Then suddenly all my teammates surrounded me and start hugging me, and they started to lift me. Its all too sudden especially that I hit the ground. And I could feel blood gushing out in my nose. I really looked ridiculous. But everyone's happy and I too started cheering. Stupid, huh? But that was it. I looked up and saw the replay video. I made that shot. I shot our last ball and we won. We won because of me!

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