Chapter 2

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Hook stretched and yawned as his nose was tickled by a mop of curly brown hair. He looked down to see a still sleeping Baelfire curled into his chest, he had a smile on his still sleeping face. Hook nudged the boy slightly to wake him up.

"Bae...Bae...C'mon lad we have to make a start at getting back to our ship"

"mmmhmmm..." Bae grumbled "It's still early though"

"I know but the sooner we set off then the sooner we will be safe...and I really want you to be safe"

"I've been safe enough on my own out here for a while, stop worrying so m..."Hook clamped his hand over Bae's mouth and gestured for him to be quiet. Bae wondered what was going on until he heard voices outside, they sounded like the voices of the lost boys. The two sat and listened to the lost boys wondering around outside until their footsteps seemed to lead away from the cave.

"Have they gone?" Bae whispered

"I think so but let's not risk going out of the cave just yet lad"

"So what do you suggest we do for today then?"

"I'm not sure Bae. What do you think we should do?"

"Well I have an idea..." Bae leaned up to Hook and kissed him. They kissed gently at first, their lips brushing against each other but then Bae ran his tongue along Hook's lower lip. This took Hook by surprised and he opened his mouth to allow Bae more access. The kissing became more passionate as the two lovers intertwined their bodies and tongues. Bae's nimble fingers made short work of Hook's shirt and quickly pulled it open exposing the Captain's chest. His hands trailed up and down stroking Hook's chest. Hook made a noise of approval as the younger boy continued to touch his bare skin. He lifted his own hand and gently opened Bae's shirt.

"I think this is definitely a good way to spend a day..." Hook murmured as he pulled the younger boy closer.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2015 ⏰

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