So sorry

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Hey guys! this isn't a chapter. I am soooo sorry I haven't updated:( I am still not going to update yet. I might update in like three more days. I have been busy lately and I am working on this other story. Can you guys check it out.

It's called Help. It's about a girl who has been kidnapped and has been living with him. So the story starts with the girl getting kidnapped and she will be living with him. She doesn't now if he'll ever let her go.

This the description: I, Lucy Brian, have been living with my kidnapper. He doesn't do anything to me. I'm like his pet. I don't know if he'll ever let me go. You can find out in my story Help. 

So yeah. Lucy is like the one writing the story. She is talking about what goes on while she is kidnapped and stuff. Please read it if you want.

Anyways, I am still so sorry for not updating. Yes I can't update on a good part witch sucks. :(

That all. BYE!!!!!!



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