Chapter One - Bullied

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Once there was a milk carton called Breeze who had a dream to become a unicorn.
Of course she new she could never be a unicorn but she believed in magic.
Since she wanted to be a unicorn she got bullied.

She was bullied by almost all the other milk cartons in milkaton school. I'll get to that bit later in chapter two. At lunch break a girl called Binky-Blue put a straw in the top of her head and teased Breeze that she was a unicorn. Breeze was so angry that she stormed into the toilets and stayed there until class. She kept milking and milking ( milking means crying ) until Aldae came in. ( Al - day ) Aldae is Breeze's best  friend. She gets bullied too because she's almond milk. "What's the matter " she asked Breeze. " I can never be a unicorn " wailed Breeze. " Yes you can " said Aldae " If I can become a milk carton then you can become a unicorn " " But we were made as milk cartons you dumbo " Shrieked Breeze with laughter. " oh right " said Aldae and they walked out of the toilets laughing. Aldae always cheers Breeze up.

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