Chapter 6: Just a Dream

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Sebastian's POV:

She was finally asleep. I thought she'd never go to sleep to be honest, but now that she is, I can go back and pick up Ciel. I did as I thought and drove the carriage in front of the candy store. Right on time. Ciel just got out with a couple bags of candy. I hopped out of the driver's seat and opened the door for the young lord and helped him in.

"I found some new sweets and I want you to make something out of it. Food, of course." Ciel had requested. I was back in the driver's seat and guided the horses to take me and my master back to that manor.

"Yes, young master." I said and continued to lead us home. The town was rather quiet and the night sky was a dark blue suck as my young master's coat. This was probably the best part of my duty as a butler. I enjoyed every second of this.

"We're here, young master" I said, stopping the carriage. Oddly enough, no response was said or heard. He must have fallen asleep again. I got out and opened the carriage door to see I was correct. Young master had fallen asleep, so I carried him out and told bars, who had been standing outside of the manor to put the carriage away and the horses back the the barn. He went right to it as I carried Ciel to his bedroom and tucked him in bed.

"Good night, young Lord." I said as I left his room and cleaned the remaining of the house that the three other sergeants hadn't done.

*Mini Time skip to Morning*

Readers POV:

It was dark and I was in an alley looking for where to go and I was suddenly grabbed by two men with a tight grip.

"Let me go!" I pleaded. But one of the men punched me right in the stomach and the other just laughed at how weak I am. My stomachs hurt too much to say anything, so I remained silent and let them take me to wherever it is they want to take me. They threw me in back of a car. Not the trunk, but in the back seat with one guy. The guy had scars everywhere and a grin on his face.

"Good job, men. This is her, alright. She's the angel." He said as he held a tight grip on me. I hated myself so much, it hurt.

"What's an angel going to do for us, boss?" The driver asked. Well... Not even I knew what I could do. I'm just as useless as the men who kidnapped me.

"She grants us wishes." The man next to me said. Even I was surprised. I gave a weak laugh because it was ridiculous. I guess the guy heard and smacked me, leaving a deep red mark on my face.

"Shut up, before your pretty little face gets worst!" He threatened me. I didn't really care for my appearance anyways.

The carriage had stopped and for a moment, everyone was silent. We're we here or did something happen? Soon enough we found out when something or someone broke through the glass. The man next to me held me as tight as he could and help a shard of glass to my neck. It was hard to see who was there because I was afraid to open my eyes.

"Don't open your eyes." A familiar whisper said in my ear. I felt a sharp piece of glass slice through my cheek and heard the screams of the men who had hurt me. Someone else has picked me up and carried me out. I hugged my arms around him tightly.

"Go ahead and open." Said the familiar whisper from before. I opened my eyes and found it was Sebastian. I hugged him tighter as drops of tears fell onto him. He held me close and kissed me cheek. I looked at him and we had made direct eye contact. His eyes were soft and slightly pink. I didn't care what color they were, but they were getting closer and closer and soon enough both out eyes were closed and our lips touched. They were smooth and warm.

"Wake up." I heard out of nowhere. It sounded like Sebastian, but it couldn't be. Ours ups were still connected. "Wake up." I heard again. I let go of Sebastian and looked around. The place had been fading away and so was Sebastian. What the hell was going on?! "Madam, (Y/N). It's time to get up." I heard once more. Finally my eyes opened and I was in bed the entire time. I saw Sebastian and hugged him imminently.

"Is everything alright, madam (Y/N)?" He asked you. Was it alright? He hugged me back. He continued saying, "It was only a nightmare. Don't worry." I let go of him.

"You're right. Thank you." I said and got up. He's was right. It was just a nightmare. What about us kissing? Was that a nightmare too? I wasn't going to question it and I certainly am not telling anyone about that. That will just have to be my own little secrete. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to get..." I looked down and I was wearing pajamas. I never changed last night... "Sebastian... Who changed me last night?" I said in a concerned

"Don't worry. Mey-rin changed you when you were sleeping." I sighed, relieved to hear that. "Did you think I would do it," he asked me.

"Yes, I would" I said. He laughed for a while. I however, did not.

"I won't lie. I would and was going to change you, but I'm sure you wouldn't have been too happy to hear that." He said with a smirk on his face.

"Well, I'm glad you didn't change my clothes. Thank you." I said, getting up and stretching. I accidentally smack him in the face with the back of my hand.

"Well... That certainly wasn't necessary. I gasped a bit.

"I'm so sorry!" I apologized as a rubbed where I smacked him. I could feel the smile on his face. I was tempted to smack his other cheek, but I didn't.

"Madam-" He started, but I cut him off.

"Please, just call me (Y/N). I don't need anything fancy." I said. Well, I wasn't lying. I was fine with people just calling me by my own name. He smiled.

"Yes, (Y/N). Breakfast is ready." He said. I smiled at the thought of that.

"Alright. If you'll excuse me, I'll be getting dressed first." I said. He bowed and left the room. I stripped off my night clothes and looked in the closet to find a short, black, strapless dress hat flowed at the bottom so I could walk. White was usually my color, but I guess I could try something new. My room was complete white like the one in heaven. Perhaps they wouldn't mind if I added color. I'd have to ask then though. Well... Here it goes. I put on the dress and a pair of cute black flats. I sighed and opened my door to a house that's not too dark but not too bright either. Perfect.

(Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Quite a long one too. I hope to write more for you.)

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