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I'll give you that answer to the question, Mr.Gilinsky, next Saturday. Don't mess with the bull young man, you'll get the horns," he turned and walked to his office.

Gilinsky spoke up once again pointing at where the principal was, "That man..... Is a brownie hound.

The room was silent until a clicking noise filled the room. Every one look at the girl with black on every thing and she looked at her thumb for a moment and then she put it back in her mouth, when she started to notice everyone was looking at her She stared at them then put her nail back in her mouth and bit down.

"You keep eating you hands, you're not going to be hungry for lunch." The girl stared at him and spat the nail she bit off at him.
It did go pretty far but it didn't hit him.

Surprised bitch. Wow I haven't updating this book in forever literally, but anyways hi I'm kinda back.

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