Chapter 4: Cass

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The sword dropped away from my throat and the young man, Cass, barged past me. "Oi Neptune what's with the runt?" He asked Neptune, clutching the sword tightly. "Are you cheating on me with him?!"

Neptune grabbed Cass's shoulders and looked him in the eye. "Cass we broke up months ago get over it! I'm with someone else now."

Cass pointed his sword at me. "Him!" He bent over clutching his stomach laughing. "You've got to be kidding me Neptune! That guy! Surely you can do better than that!"

"I'm standing right here you know." I remarked a little annoyed that he was saying all of this right in front of me.

"Yeah yeah shut up no one cares." Cass said to me waving his hand.

There was a loud smack and my head whipped around to see Cass with a red handprint on his cheek and angered Neptune. "I do Cass. Now why the hell did you come here?"

"Isn't it obvious? I came to see you and keep you company didn't you get any of my messages?" He told Neptune, attempting to wrap his arm around Neptune's shoulders but that failed due to height difference.

He glared at Cass and inched away from him. "Cass you need to leave."
Cass frowned. "Why should I? So you can do the little coward? Please like you'd enjoy that!"

"Shut your damn mouth Cass." Neptune growled, grabbing Cass's wrist tightly.

Cass smirked. "Getting a little angry now are we Neptune! I like it when you're angry it's exciting."

Now I was really annoyed with Cass. I walked up behind him smacked him upside the head. "I think you should leave." I said to him my teeth bared.

He scowled at me. "Listen to me coward don't get the idea that you've won this round because you haven't I will win him back and there's nothing you can do about it."

I returned a scowl at him. "Good luck with that short-stuff."

His face turned bright red with rage and he lunged at me with his sword, but I was quick enough to put up a shield up, putting a giant crack in his sword. He frowned and just turned away and walked out the door, slamming it closed in the process making the walls shake. Neptune just sighed and turned towards me, then walked away. Leaving me by myself in the foyer, I sighed and went into the kitchen he wasn't there. Slightly confused I looked around for him he was nowhere in sight, now I was a little worried so I quickly pulled up a bubble and messaged him. No answer. Now I was really worried. I pulled up another bubble and sent it to Earth's Moon, no answer from her either. I sent two more to Neptune hoping he would get these, still no answer. A burgundy bubble popped up in front of me and I tapped on it.

"I told you that you didn't win this round coward, he's mine and mine alone there's no way you're going to get him back now he's under my control and will do my bidding. He won't even know it when he kills you coward."

Another popped up and it read: "It was hysterical though! A moment ago he was begging me 'Don't hurt Apple Juice! Do whatever you want to me, but don't hurt him!' How sweet it is how you've manipulated him in a matter of a few days! Man you're really good, but not good enough for him. You'll never be good enough for him."

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying the story so far! I'm really happy of how this is going so far. I have to thank Elitesmiley for helping me a bit and more or less pushing me to write more on here. He is also the crazed ex-boyfriend Cass! Woo! I do have one question though do these chapters seem short to you? Anyways I'm going to work on chapter 5 so I'm out!

~The King 👑

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