Tears and Pain

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Dedicated to my friend Amber, for her help on my stories. Don't worry Jojo, the next one is for youu (:




Tears fall from my eyes,

I let them out freely,

The pain is too much to bare,

I shouldn't even care.


They seem to notice my precense,

For their fighting stops, 

They look at  me sadly, 

Willing for me to understand.


I sob uncontrollably, 

I never understood why they fought, 

Is it because of me?

This is the answer I sought.


I never even realized,

That it might've been because,

They just didn't agree,

On things in our life.


I always thought we had a perfect family,

Who was I kidding though, 

I never understood it,

Until now.


Tears and pain,

Are too much to bare,

They tell me they love me,

It's amazing that I understand.


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