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Michael's POV:
Michael:so...Do you like the band 5 seconds of summer?
Alice: Yeah! I love your guys band. I listen to your music all the time!

Oh thank god she loves our  band. that would have been really bad if she didn't like our band. I wouldn't know how to get her here to talk to her if she didn't know us. now how do I get her here?

Michael: Ummm.... well you have won a contest to meet us and they wanted one of us to tell you directly.                                                                                                                                                                                                Alice: OMG!!!!!!REALLY?!?!?!? I cant believe I won, I don't remember even entering a contest??                   Michael: Well you did and you won. I will email you your plane ticket and you can come up.                      Alice: But where is the plane ticket to? And I have to ask my dad if I can go.  He's very strict.                      Michael: Well I can assure you that there will be adults there. and I'm 19 sooooo yeah. and its in Australia.                                                                                                                                                                                            Alice: okay, well I will get back to you as soon as I talk to my dad.  


OMG!!!!! I can't believe that I won to meet 5Sos and Michael Texted me!!!!! Michael Clifford has my number! I hope my dad lets me go.  *beep beep* I got the plane ticket Michael emailed to me. Its to Australia.  That's really far. I don't know if my dad would let me go that far with out him. I don't really have to worry about school because we are now on winter break. Well I'm going to go ask him. Here goes nothing....

"DADDDDDD" I screamed. "what?" he asked. "Well you know that band I like? 5 Seconds Of Summer. The concert  we are going to in July.""Yeahhhhhhhh what about them?" he asked. " Well I entered a contest to meet them over winter break. And apparently I won. They gave me a plane ticket to fly out and meet them." my dad just looked at me for a minute.

" Where are they flying you to?" he asked. "Uhhhhhhhhhh, Haha about that... Its in Australia." "WHAT!!??" He yelled. " Yeah" he started to say " Well I don't think its a good idea for you to go. Its over winter break and during Christmas. and I would be left all alone. and plus you're only 17 and there aren't any adults." "But you said if I win the contest I  could go and there would be adults. They are allages 19 to 20 and there would be security guards and their parents. And you have your friends here. Pleassseeeeee???? I really want this. They are my favorite band." He just looked at me.

"Let me think about it and I will get back to you tomorrow."
----------------------------------okay guys! I know it's off to a slow start but I hope it makes you guys want to read the book more. Please comment on what you think of the book so far!! And if you have any questions for me, please feel free to ask😊❤️

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