Happy Birthday

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Seolhyun dropped Youngho to preschool, handing the teacher the cupcakes they made as the kids cheered. She left and went to her school.

"Can I change partners?" Myungsoo asked the teacher. He looked up at Myungsoo, "Is there something wrong with your partner?" the teacher asked.

"Seolhyun-ssi doesn't want to do anything. She wants me to do all the work and she does nothing" Myungsoo complained.

"I'll talk to her" the teacher told him. Myungsoo nodded his head as the door opened and the students walked in and he went to go take his seat. The teacher started teaching. The bell rang as the students started packing. "Seolhyun. Can I talk to you for a second" the teacher said. When everyone left she walked towards the teacher. "Yeah" she answered.

"I've just been informed that you're not putting in any work for the assignment."

"I wonder who could have told you such a thing."

"I'm serious Seolhyun. This isn't the first time I've heard this, if you don't put in any work then you won't get the grade."

She nodded her head and left the classroom, walking to her next class. The teacher wasn't there yet, "Where were you?" Kei asked her.

"The teacher wanted to tell me something" she said and scanned the classroom and saw Myungsoo seated at the front of the classroom. "He's in this class too" she said to herself.

"Who?" Kei asked.

"That Kim Myungsoo guy" Seolhyun answered. Kei looked over at him, "Is he a new transfer?" she asked.

"No. He's my new partner in History and a pain" she sneered.

After school Myungsoo was on dragged to the football field by some of the players and pushed around. "Hey" Seolhyun called as she walked in their direction with Kei and Haeyeon by her side. "You know him?" Taecyeon asked.

"Sadly. You told the teacher I wasn't doing any work" she said to Myungsoo. He looked at her, "I can't do it alone" he said.

"So annoying" she said to herself, she looked at the guys. "Can you guys do me a favor. I hear tomorrow is Chaeyeon's birthday. How about you guys make her a cake, if you know what I mean" Seolhyun smiled.

"You're vicious" Haeyeon laughed.

"Thank you" she said to Haeyeon, "And you. Follow me, 5 foot away" she said to Myungsoo as they started walking. "Is it really Chaeyeon's birthday tomorrow?" Kei asked.

"Don't know, don't care. She's annoying me" Seolhyun hissed.

Myungsoo followed Seolhyun and her friends behind. When they got some distance away from the school and her friends left she told him to come forward. "We can work at my house. That way no one can see the two of us together" Seolhyun said.

"We'll need to go to the library for research."

"You go to the library, get the books and bring them to my house. See, I'm helping" she smiled and unlocked the door as they both walked in. "We can work in my room" she said, closing the door behind her and led the way upstairs. He walked in, looking around. "You should count yourself lucky. You're the first guy to ever enter this room beside my brother" Seolhyun said as she set her bag near the bed. "It's everything I imagined it'd be" he said.

"So you've been thinking about me. Wouldn't be surprised" she said and sat down on her bed, she looked over at him. "What are you doing? Let's get to work."

"First we need to agree to on a topic. I was thinking between maybe around the Joseon Dynasty" Myungsoo said.

"What about Admiral Yi SunShin. He has a statue and everything" she said.

"I'm shock that you know about him."

"I'm not as dumb as you'd like to think. Now that we have a topic you can find the research."

"But we're supposed to work together."

"I'll help write the stupid paper. Not because we're working together doesn't mean I want us to be seen together either" she sneered, "My computers right there. We can start" she continued. He sat down at the desk and turned it on. "Seolhyun noona" Youngho called as he ran in, "Everyone loved the cupcakes. How about we make cookies today" he said.

"Not today. That mean man over there is making me work" Seolhyun said. Youngho looked over at Myungsoo direction. "Ask mom to help you. Just make sure to save me a cookie" Seolhyun said. He got off the bed and ran out, "Your brothers adorable" Myungsoo said.

"You should him dance" she laughed. He stared at her, "Staring isn't polite" Seolhyun said as she raised her eyebrows. He turned back to the computer, she walked behind him and looked at the screen.

After 2 hours of scrolling through the Internet she called is it quits. She walked him out the door and went to the dining room and sat down for dinner. "Who's the boy?" her father asked.

"We're working on a project together" Seolhyun said.

Myungsoo walked to his house which was next door and walked in. "I'm home" Myungsoo called as he took his shoes off. "Were you at the library again?" his mom asked.

The next day, Seolhyun somehow got roped into spending her lunch time at the library. But at the lunchroom there was a birthday party going on. Everyone throwing egg and flour at Chaeyeon and singing happy birthday to her. Haeyeon recording the whole thing to send to Seolhyun. "Can't believe Seolhyun didn't show up to this" Kei said.

"I know" Haeyeon laughed.

After lunch Seolhyun was called to the principles office. She looked at Chaeyeon and tried not to laugh. "This is not funny. Did you do this?" the principle asked.

"No. I was in the library."

"Is there anyone that witness to it?"

"Kim Myungsoo. We were working on a project together" Seolhyun said.

"She's lying. Seolhyun doesn't work. She has people to do that for her" Chaeyeon barked. Seolhyun looked at her and scoffed, "You can ask him" she said. The principle called for Myungsoo to come in. A few minutes later he walked in. "Did I do something?" he asked.

"No. Was Seolhyun with you at lunch?" the principle asked him.

"Yeah. We were working on our project together" Myungsoo answered.

"Did you ever hear her tell anyone to do that to Chaeyeon?" he asked. Myungsoo looked at her and back at the principle. "No. I didn't" Myungsoo answered.

"Thank you. You can go back to class, you too Seolhyun" the principle said. Seolhyun got up and smirked at Chaeyeon before walking out the office. Chaeyeon followed, "Happy birthday" Seolhyun smiled as she walked to class with her arms folded together.

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