Chapter 3

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Brad watched out the window as Olivia pulled into the drive, he was about to go out to meet her but he noticed Connor walking towards her and her practically falling out the car to him. He stifled a laugh as he watched him help her up, he couldn't help but notice how intimate their interaction was, the way Liv smiled a dreamy smile as he pulled her in for a hug, the way Connor looked so deeply into her eyes. He must have been seeing things there is no way anything was going on with them, Connor wouldn't do that, surely. The sound of the front door opening brought him from his thoughts as he moved swiftly away from the window so she wouldn't know he was watching.

"Hey loser, how was your last day of college?" he said pushing his worries to the back of his mind.

"Hey... It was ok I guess I'm just glad it's over." She looked like she wanted to say more but she kept silent. He decided against pushing it she would talk to him in her own time.

"So I was thinking we could watch a movie and order pizza tonight so we are rested ready for tomorrow", he smiled at her as her face lit up at the thought of pizza. They spent the rest of the evening watching The Hunger Games series and stuffing their faces with pizza, half way through the third film he noticed that she had fallen asleep so he turned off the film and picked her up carefully trying not to wake her. He carried her upstairs laying her on the bed and placing the cover over her. She looked so peaceful when she slept. As he laid down next to her thoughts of her and Connor creeped back into his head, it wasn't that he didn't want them to be together, well he didn't but not because he wanted her, it was just weird the whole thing. They were all friends, she was like a sister to all of them and the thought of anyone being with her made him want to be sick, he just needed to protect her from being hurt and as much as he trusted Connor he knew what guys were like.


Olivia's eyes took a moment to adjust to the daylight creeping through the window, she didn't remember coming up to Brad's room last night so he must have carried her. She hated thinking about it because she was so self-conscious about her weight the thought of anyone trying to carry her made her feel nauseas. She turned over and saw his mound of curly brown locks asleep on the pillow beside her, and smiled at his dimples, but instantly it reminded her of the way Connor smiled at her yesterday as he brought her in for that hug. The butterflies in her stomach were still there and the fact that she would be spending the whole day with him today made her nervous. She climbed out the bed careful not to wake Brad and went to have a shower and change. She had bought most her wardrobe yesterday because she knew she will end up spending most of her time here over the holidays, including Christmas as every year they alternate between which house they share Christmas at this year it was Olivia's family's turn to come to Brad's. This year was going to be different though because Brad's mum had invited Connor and his family too which just added to the butterflies in her stomach that were beginning to get annoying. She took ages deciding what to wear settling on ripped skinny jeans and her Teen Wolf Hoody that she had become attached to over the last month, it was so comfy and it was freezing outside so she knew she had to wrap up warm although the thought of Connor wrapping her in his arms to warm her up made her feel all dizzy. The sound of Brad singing one direction dragged her from her fantasy as she walked back into his room and threw a pillow at him to shut him up.

"Heyyyy what was that for, you love my singing!" He pretended to be offended so she ruffled his curls and began to straighten her hair.

"So you never told me what the plan was for today are we meeting Connor and the boys?" She asked him. His eyes shot up as soon as she said Connor, looking at her and seeing the smile on her face as she spoke. He wished he could just cancel the whole day and not go out and meet them but he knew if he did that she would not be happy with him.

"Um yeah I guess I mean we could just see them another day and do our own thing today?" I ask hopeful. She looks at me like I have grown a second head.

"What? Why would we do that? Don't you want to hang out with them? You, You said we were all going to spend Christmas break together..." She looked like I had suggested we cancel Christmas.

"Of course I want to I just didn't know what you wanted to do", He quickly makes up an excuse. "I was thinking we could go Winter Wonderland, Ice skating, you loved it last year..." She let out an excited scream clapping her hands as she finished straightening her hair. She had made such an effort and he couldn't help but think it was for Connor; he pushed it to the back of his mind again and got ready.

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