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In the beginning, there was nothing. There was nothing but space. People can argue how it all came about, whether it's God or the Big Bang, but that's not important now.

Now it's the end. The end is near, the world is on fire, everything is burning. War, painful war, has come to a brutal end. Some say this is the world's apocalypse. There are no zombies or plagues, just the truth. Society has crumbled upon itself, with classes divided and killing becoming depressing reality.

But now even that is over. There is no more war, but the tensions still remain. The classes stay divided, and people are living in the dirty streets. The world's technology is set aside only for the wealthy. Among the ashes leaders rise, trying to get this poor planet back on track again. A monarchy ensues, there are new laws put into place, and everyone is so jaded and tired that they agree to anything. Everyone knows the sad facts, that the world will not go on much longer, but it's good to try. Why sit and give up when there is still a tiny, miniscule flicker of hope? These monarchs try and build up life again.

The war has now been over for one hundred years. These monarchs have succeeded by some act of sheer luck. The world is nowhere near where it once was, but starting to again thrive. Monarchs have lived, and they have died.

The newest ruler is a queen.

She is a queen that was not even alive when the world fell. She knows nothing of the true hurt that society has felt. Almost no one knows of that feeling anymore. Those times were so long ago, although they feel like they were just yesterday.

No, this new ruler is oblivious to the pain. She is young, but she is ruthless. She feels no remorse for those she hurts. She has grown up around this lifestyle of rulers. Her father was the last king. He has died by disease, and she has taken his place. No one knows why she is so cruel. Maybe she is still grieving over the loss of her only family, the man who raised her to be who she is. Maybe she just was born with this sick side to her. She has been bred to rule. The only reason she is alive is so she could take on her dad's legacy. Maybe that's why she is so cold.

She had no childhood, no friends. She has no idea what a proper relationship is, and all she knows is the castle walls. Whenever she goes into the real world, she is guarded by dozens of her highest paid soldiers, who stand around her like a barrier and shield her from the dying people on the streets. Even when she is outside she is still so much on the inside.

This queen is Lady Riley Matthews, with locks of rich brown and eyes of the same dark color. Pale and thin, she is a sight for sore eyes. At a mere seventeen she is still a child, yet she doesn't appear so. She stands tall and fierce and strong. She is like a force that cannot be knocked down, not by anyone.

She is the beacon of hope that those on the cold streets look up to, no matter how cruel and ruthless she may be. She is the leader of a dying nation. She is the leader that was born to lead, and she will lead her people into the good times, and also some of the bad.

She is the leader that is forced to know the people, yet she doesn't even know herself. She will learn, and she will grow, and with each new day she will keep trying.

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