Maya Hart

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Maya Hart is the exact opposite of Lady Matthews. Not a royal at all, she lives in a tiny hut like house in the dumps of the town with her little sister Rose. With blonde hair and blue eyes she stands at only five foot. 

She has not had the luxurious lifestyle that Lady Matthews has had. Both of her parents died when she was only eleven years old when they were caught stealing food from a local market by guards. Maya was a witness to the whole event, along with little Rose. Poor and hungry, Maya's parents had tried to sneak a couple apples into their burlap sack. The guards were alert though, and immediately noticed the crime. Maya's parents yelled at the girls to run, so they did. When Maya turned around to look for her parents, she found them being brutally beaten by the guards. She grabbed Rose and they ran, and they didn't stop until they found an abandoned shack near the woods, where they live now. 

But that was six years ago, she is seventeen now, almost an adult. Rose is nine, but she is very mature for her age, having to learn how to care for herself early. 

Maya sits on the dusty dirt floor on this crisp morning, resewing a hole that was found in one of Rose's jackets. She sent Rose out a few hours ago to find food for the day, she should be home any minute now. 

Just as she sews the last thread of the patch, Rose comes bounding inside, with armfuls of bread. Maya jumps up, her eyes wide and her mouth watering. 

"How did you manage to get this? Bread in the marketplace costs so much!" Maya exclaims, taking a loaf out of Rose's hands. 

"I did some bargaining," Rose says, not making eye contact with Maya. Maya gives Rose a skeptical look. 

"You didn't steal this, did you? I've warned you multiple times of what stealing could lead to! You were there when it happened to our parents!" Maya shouts. 

"No, no, I didn't steal this!" Rose promises, but Maya stays unconvinced. She decides not to question it though, and takes a bite out of the steaming hunk of wheat. It is warm and fresh, and it is the best thing she's eaten in months. The last time she ate something even close in comparison to this was when she successfully caught a fish in the stream a few months ago. 

"Well, I fixed up the hole in your jacket. You won't be shivering at night anymore," Maya says, tossing the thin fabric to Rose, who smiles and slips it on. 

"Yeah, thanks, it's good as new," she says. Maya snorts. Good as new? It wasn't even good as new when it was new. 

All of the sudden loud footsteps can be heard from outside, along with rustling bushes and whispers. 

"What was that?" Maya asks, scared. No one ever comes to this part of town except for Pete, the old man who sometimes brings them fresh berries out of his garden. He never comes this early though, especially on a weekday. 

Rose's face goes completely pale as she rushes towards the only window the little hut has. She flings open the makeshift curtains and peers out. Maya hears her loudly gulp as she backs away from the window. 

"I think we need to be really quiet," she whispers. 

"What's out there?" Maya asks, lowering her voice. Rose turns to Maya, tears in her big blue eyes. "Rose, what is it?" 

Before Rose can answer, the front door is completely knocked off its fragile hinges. Five guards come storming inside, all equipped with big guns. Maya jumps in front of Rose as if to shield her. 

"What's going on?!" Maya shouts, utterly confused. 

"That girl hiding behind you has been caught stealing from the marketplace! She must be taken to the castle for proper punishment!" the head guard yells, his voice deep and scary. Maya turns to Rose. 

"You said you didn't steal the bread!" she shouts. Rose is crying, totally scared. 

"Give me the girl!" the guard shouts. 

"No!" Maya shouts back. The guard shakes his head, and tries to push passed Maya to grab Rose. "No!" Maya shouts again, jumping on top of the guard and beating on him. The guard laughs a deep bellow and flings Maya off of him. She lands on the ground, hitting her head rather hard. 

"Don't mess with me, or the girl gets shot!" he yells, cocking his gun and pointing it. 

"Please, no!" Maya shouts, standing back up and running to guard Rose. It is too late. 

The sound of the gunshot rings in Maya's ears as she watches Rose fall backwards into the dirt. The bullet hits her directly in the chest, and the death is instant. 

"Why did you have to do that?!" Maya cries out, balling. She falls to her knees and takes a bloody Rose in her arms, her tears falling onto the corpse. 

"I wouldn't of had to if you would've cooperated!" the guard shouts. He grabs Maya by the hair and pulls her up. Maya winces in pain as the head guard pushes through the other guards and takes her outside. 

"Where are we going?" Maya shouts, still crying. 

"To the castle. Lady Matthews needs to deal with you." 


Lady Matthews is sitting on her throne going over the plans for her annual dinner banquet when the guard comes inside with the blonde haired girl. 

"I have a criminal for you!" the guard yells. Lady Matthews smiles. 

"Very good, Hank, very good. Criminal, what is your name?" 

"Maya Hart," the blonde says through gritted teeth. Lady Matthews nods. 

"Hank, what is this criminal's crime?" 

"Assaulting the guard," Hank says. Maya snorts and rolls her eyes. Lady Matthews notices, and stares at the girl. 

"Maya, you snorted. Do you not believe this is what you did? Do you not believe you are a criminal?" Lady Matthews asks. 

"I am no criminal, Queen. He is the criminal!" Maya shouts, anger in her voice. Lady Matthews huffs. 

"Okay, tell me, what is your side to this story?" she asks. 

"This guard came traipsing through my home and claimed that my little nine year old sister stole some bread. And so what if she did? We are starving. We have no food, no parents, and by law we cannot get jobs without the proper schooling, but that schooling costs money, which we do not possess. Do you see the dilemma? I tried to defend my sister, and this guard shot her! He knocked me to the ground, shot my poor sister, then yanked me by my hair and dragged me here, where I stand before you. Trying to sort out this fucked up injustice. Sorry for cussing, Lady Matthews, but I am just so angry and upset that I don't know what to do," Maya says, tears streaming down her face. 

"So what you are saying is that she did steal the bread? And you did attack the guard?" Lady Matthews asks. 

"Why yes, but do you not understand the wrongness of what this guard has done?" Maya asks. Lady Matthews does not answer her question. 

"Hank, take this girl to the dungeon. Jones's old cell. I will deal with her later," Lady Matthews orders. 

Hank grabs Maya by her wrists and leads her out of the room. Maya starts screaming at the top of her lungs, kicking and thrashing, trying to get out of the guard's grasp. Lady Matthews laughs as she watches the scene, and finally Hank picks her up and lifts her over his shoulder, exiting the room. Lady Matthews can still hear Maya scream as they make their way down the stairs. She laughs. 

"Oh how I love the sound of pitiful screaming," she says, leaning back in her throne and resuming her banquet plans. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2016 ⏰

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