chapter 1: the awakening

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I always believed in something, until I saw the true evil of the holidays. My faith solely relied on the facts, and the desire to be happy. That is until I realized my mistake of being so blind to the corruption around us. As I attempted to revise my turning thoughts only one thing came to mind.. Am I an awful person?

When I was younger my heart was filled with views such as "unicorns and rainbows," but to be honest as I grew up all those images turned dark. You could say that I was a really rare type of person..I now only focused on the bad... And I don't blame the media or other's for my deepest thoughts because I was becoming a monster and no one was to blame but myself. I took all the negative in the world and constructed this idea of being alone, forever. I used to be scared of my own thoughts but now I embrace them.

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