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Dan walked through the classroom and sat down at his usual seat. He got his notepad out and began to doodle random things that lurked in his mind. Many things in his mind involved the math teacher he had for 5th period. Mr Lester. Dan had a huge crush on him. And literally everybody knew it.

He started drawing Mr. Lester. Dan tried to be as precise as possible when drawing his facial features, due to his incredible love for the teacher. The people around him looked over at what he was drawing and nudged him in the shoulder. The drawing was easy to hide, but his blushing....not so much.

"Excuse me Dan, why are you smiling at your paper?" Mr. Lester asked as he walks up to Dan and picks up the paper. "Oh I see. Your art skills are pretty good, but you shouldn't waste them on drawing your teachers. And may I remind you, you are in maths and not art class Mr Howell."

Dan began to blush heavily and he could tell that everyone in the room knew it. "I- Um I'm sorry Mr Lester.. Its for a.. A-art project?" Dan could feel the handsome teachers eyes piercing through him as he stared at the desk. "Stay after class, Howell" He said with no emotion and went back and sat at his desk, not taking his eyes off of a heavily blushing Dan.

Mr. Lester went back to explaining stuff about finding X, while Dan kept his eyes locked on the teacher's beautiful face, studying it. He wanted to create something that meant something to him, that will make him blush like mad whenever he looks at it.

But Dan was in the middle of Math class. He couldn't do anything in school. So he decided to take a picture of his teacher, so he could create something at home. Dan, pulls out his phone from the pocket of his black skinny jeans, and takes a photo of Mr. Lester. But his flash was on.

"Daniel Howell. This is the second time you've done something related to me. I would send you to the principal, but id like to deal with you myself. Id like you to stay behind longer after school. class dismissed" everyone began to walk out of the room but dan just sat there staring at the floor blushing like crazy. He wanted to run. But part of him wanted to stay with the cute teacher

Mr. Lester looked at him. He didn't seem mad at all, in fact he smirked a cute little smirk and mouthed "bad boy" at Dan and then winked. Dan was relieved by the fact that he wasn't getting into trouble, but he did check the front camera to do a fringe check. His fringe was completely fine, but his face has gone strong red from blushing

He slowly began to circle dan, as if he was a predator and dan was his prey. "Daniel, look at me." Dan looked up, about to say something when the teachers lips smashed onto his. Getting rougher, he pushed dan onto the desk. "M-mr lester we-" dan innocently frowned "call me Phil, or anything you want. Mr lester might be a little long for you to scream. Wouldn't want to tire out your pretty little voice"

Dan wanted to stay with Mr Lester, but he was afraid. Afraid that someone would find out. "Mr lester, I have to go um I'll see you tomorrow" said Dan as he picked up his 'my chemical romance' backpack and walked to the door. But Mr Lester didn't want him to leave. He grabbed Dan's wrists and pinned him to the wall. "Dan. You need to listen to me. Otherwise you're going to have a lot of detentions." Phil said with a smirk. Mr Lester ran his hands down Dan's body.

Mr. Lester gently slid the backpack stripe off of Dan's left shoulder. "You don't need that at the moment, Dan" he whispered.  He slowly leaned in on Dan, and their lips collided

Everything from there got heated. Lips travelled down to places nobody should see and pieces of clothing were thrown across the room. Dan wasn't sure what to feel about this, but one thing was for sure, he fucking loved it. Phil had already declared himself top and dominant, and dan had no problem. Phils lips began to travel up and down phils body, leaving hickeys everywhere. This wasn't dans first time, but it sure felt like it. He was feeling vulnerable. He just lie there accepting it all.

Dan had a hard time understanding that this was reality, that this was one of his biggest dreams coming true. He slowly travelled off into a happy place in his mind and stayed there for a good 5 minutes. When he became aware of his surroundings, he was at Mr. Lester's house, in his bed, naked.

Dan sits in Mr Lester's bed. Confused. He hears footsteps, coming up the stairs and then there's a knock at the door. "Hello Dan, your finally awake" Phil says with a smirk as he touches Dan's cheek. "Why am I here? How did I get here" Dan says.
"Dan it's okay, calm down." Phil kneels beside him. "I know what'll make you feel better"
Mr Lester presses his lips onto Dan's, and slides his hands underneath the covers and touches Dan's inner thighs. He slowly slides his hands, further up.

Phil began to straddle dan and whisper nonsense, which seemed to make a lot of sense to dan. Phil was in complete control and was kissing down to dans neck while sitting on his waist. Dan could've used that moment of low dominance to sneak in and be in control, but he was enjoying it way too much that the thought never even crossed his mind. Phil was touching him in ways that he wouldn't allow others too. But to be honest, dan didn't give a shit.

Dan could see Phil was getting tired. And so was he. He thought about taking over, and taking the lead. He was about to make the first move. But his phone went off. It was his mum calling. "Listen Phil, stop moaning, it's my mum"
He answered.
"Hey mum, is everything okay?"
"Dan, where the fuck are you? It's nearly 11pm and it's a school night?"
"Mum, it's fine I'm just at my friends I'll be home in 5."
"Yeah, sure Dan. You have a lot of explaining to do."
Dan ends her call.

Dan placed his head on phils chest, groaning in annoyance. "I have to goo" dan got up and put back on his shirt and jeans and tried his hardest to make his sex hair as less noticeable as possible, failing harshly. "Ill see you tomorrow, mr lester" dan nodded before walking out of the door and out into the darkness.

When Dan got home, he didn't tell his mum the truth. Of course he wasn't going to say, he went home with his math teacher and had some kinky sex. So instead he told his mother, that he went home with his friend and played Xbox. Dan went to his room, and thought about his day. He couldn't have happier. His dream had came true, but then reality hit him. He'd have Mr Lester tomorrow, Dan couldn't bare the awkwardness.

The next day dan walked into his classroom with his head down. He felt like everyone knew his dirty little secret and he could tell that phil was enjoying seeing him so embarrassed. The lesson went quickly, but when it was over, phil came over and whispered in his ear "my place, 6pm tomorrow. Oh, and bring a blindfold" he winked as he walked out of the room innocently.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 31, 2015 ⏰

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